While Glasgow had its fair sized, and I
would say successful, anti-racism, anti-fascism march on Saturday
March 22, in Madrid it was somewhat different. On that day Spain
held a protest against the conditions being imposed on them by the
financial Mafia. The attendance figure for that demonstration was in
the region of two and half million. They came from all over the
country and from surrounding countries. Spain like Greece, is
suffering poverty and deprivation on a massive, criminal scale, with the
usual promise of pie-in-the-sky, if they will only suffer more
poverty and deprivation and for a longer spell.

I am most certainly against racism
and fascism, but we need to organise a pan-European fight against the
system that breeds these diseases. As long as we have capitalism we
will have, if not overt, then latent or covert, fascism and racism.
The system needs them to scapegoat individuals and groups for its own
failings. Focus on the root cause, capitalism, it can't be humanised,
it can't be modified to our benefit, it can't be a fair and just
system, it will always be an exploitive system that benefits the few
at the expense of the many.
To all those who took part in that
massive Madrid display of demand for real change, Saluda, in
Up to two and a half million people
took to the streets in Madrid yesterday to protest against the
economic and anti-social policies of the government. Six blocks
arrived in Madrid from all around the country; according to the
Organisers of the March for Dignity (Coordinadora
22M), some 70,000 people travelled on buses (total of
900), trains, or by private means, and even on foot! (about a month
ago they began their journey on foot to Madrid). Other blocks came
from abroad, for instance from Berlin and Hamburg and other cities to
join the protest.
Photos from Xpressed
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