Showing posts with label NASA moon rocket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA moon rocket. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 August 2022



                                                Image courtesy of Climate Signals.

       What sort of world do we tolerate, a world that throws billions at the fanciful and war, but struggles to find the money to alleviate the suffering of millions. Pakistan is almost one third wiped out, millions are homeless and facing starvation, and the UN appeals for $160 million in emergency aid for that country.  However, the EU and 27 countries committed more than $1 billion of military aid to Ukraine in the first week of the war in Ukraine, that figure has ballooned since then. Then there is the latest American prestige plan, the giant moon rocket. This gigantic toy of the rich and powerful was budgeted at $10 billion, with a launch date that looked like a calendar. First 2017 then 2018-19-20-21 and then 2022. The total spend comes in somewhere around $93 billion with each subsequent launch coming in at around $4 billion a pop. These sort of priorities tell us a lot about the values of this capitalism and imperialist system that taints the human race. How much longer will we tolerate this vicious, cruel insane system of greed and wealth to have power over our lives?


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