Showing posts with label Operation Ritrovo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Operation Ritrovo. Show all posts

Friday 26 June 2020

Stateless World.

       Is there any aspects of this economic system that we live under, we can say benefits the ordinary people's freedoms and desires, or that sees to the basic needs of all our people? Obviously not when its foundations are built on privilege linked to wealth and inheritance, power welded to wealth, structures based on patriarchy, and wealth created by the exploitation of those ordinary people, all held together by the state's repressive machine in conjunction with its loaded judicial system. To such a system, anger and rebellion should be the natural response flowing from the ordinary people, but it needs to be built on organisation and solidarity followed through with direct action. Dialogue with such a system has long since been proved to be futile. The streets and workplaces are where we will create that better world for all. 
Death to the State – Death to the Patriarchy

      On the morning of June 12, 2020, the ROS [Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale / Special Operations Group] staged yet another anti-anarchist repressive operation, this time signed by the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office. Two comrades end up under house arrest and five others are imprisoned on Italian, French and Spanish territory.
       Among the accusations, as is now the practice, that of subversive association for the purposes of terrorism and incitement to commit criminal acts. Once again, the aim is to attack those who claim solidarity as an offensive practice and actively support their anarchist comrades facing the repression. As in Bologna last month, with Operation Ritrovo, the methods are repeated: cops in balaclavas, in some cases with guns, doors broken open, telephones requisitioned, searches and seizures of computers and printed material.
         The state through these muscular demonstrations tries to frighten us and make us feel isolated, in line with this patriarchal society that would have us docile, locked in our predefined gender roles. It does not surprise us when, as in this case, the media emphasize the presence of women in the investigations, showing astonishment in not finding ourselves relegated to the second row. We reject this logic that is imbued with paternalism, we do not seek protection but complicity in attacking. Attempts to avoid the use of violence as a response to what oppresses us have always been and always will be rebelled against.
        We do not want to have a place in this patriarchal society, which maintains and also reproduces itself through the distribution of power, in the gender socialized as feminine, we only want to dance on its rubble.
       We are not interested in legal technicalities and dichotomous concepts of guilt and innocence. As feminists and anarchists we can only claim solidarity with those who attack the patriarchal system and all the ways it expresses itself.
        We turn fear into anger and anger into strength. And this makes us dangerous.

Death to the state
Death to the patriarchy
For Anarchy
Complicity and solidarity with the arrested from Operation Bialystok
Some feminist anarchists
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