Showing posts with label Romear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romear. Show all posts

Monday 6 December 2021



        In keeping with my love of anarchist leaflets/pamphlets/serials etc. being distributed on the street, handed out to the stranger, perhaps a new convert to the principles of anarchism, I endorse and post these words from one such journal Romear.

       "For us the choice to write and to print real paper copies could never be casual decisions, nor would this project be able to exist in the digital realm. The internet is too momentary and seems to relate poorly to the reality of everyday life. By publishing on paper, we want to break away from daily news cycle, bombardment of information and updates and chatter, to find a different time, space, and rhythm on which to connect to each other. Quite apart from the latest instagram post from one’s favorite internet celebrity or would-be politician whose opinion can be summed up in a 20 second snippet, we want to find ways to communicate our ideas, desires, and frustrations with this world with all the complexities and difficulties they entail, and to give the required attention and care to this, never competing with trendy slogans or easy answers. We also want these ideas to end up in strangers’ hands, not decided according to algorithms of google or facebook whether they are meant for you or not. We like chance encounters, hearing via-via that someone got handed a copy of RUMOER or found one in a folder on the street."

               From Anarchist News some of the paper that ended up on our streets, not a definitive list, I'm sure you will be aware of many others, but obviously not enough. 

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