Showing posts with label Sandhurst. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandhurst. Show all posts

Sunday 8 January 2012


        Another upper-crust brain-dead parasite spouts his mouth off and thinks he is a genius. Education Secretary, Michael Gove, had a chat with a 17 year old cadet from The Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, and left thinking, why don't we get all the working class kids into cadets, then the little bastards would stop thinking for themselves and become nice obedient workers for our corporate buddies. After his visionary conversation with the 17 year old cadet, Gove has come up with the idea of introducing military style cadet forces into all secondary schools. Note, all secondary schools, no mention of grammar schools. So enthused is he with his vision that he has told Children's Minister Sarah Teather to get her head together with Defence Minister Nick Harvey, and get the ball rolling. The one thing our right-wing millionaire class don't want is a disobedient working class. Get them into uniform and let them know who is boss, teach them to take orders, be subservient. It has always been the fear of the rich parasite class that the ordinary people would eventually see through their smoke and mirrors and decide to take control of society for the benefit of all. With unrest looming on the horizon all the more reason to get those possible protesters into uniform and have them sitting around looking to their leaders and waiting for orders.
         This latest piece of right-wing militaristic ideology must be resisted, we don't want our kids going to school to be prepared as cannon fodder for some corporate resource grab or some foreign policy caprice by some egocentric parasite millionaire Prime Minister. With unemployment rising and kids being groomed for the military while at school, it is obvious more will end up in the military and fighting to protect the share value of some oil giant. There should be no room in any of our schools for the military, education is about thinking for yourself, not about taking orders from your supposed superiors. Kick the military out of school and keep them out.

ann arky's home.