Having been born and bred in the North of Glasgow I have seen it disintegrate from a bustling industrial area to an area of high unemployment and deprivation. I believe that the latest figures state that 52% of children in the Springburn area live in poverty, the highest in the country. The Springburn Park which has seen years of neglect, and Sighthill Park are about all the kids have of decent open spaces. So our Kremlin in George Square have decided that to take one of these away would be a great idea for the people of the area!!!
From a Friend.
"we were informed that it would shortly be demolished, in order to test the ground for chemical contamination, in order to show that Glasgow is serious about bidding for the 2018 Youth Olympics." Eh!
A friend of mine's father was one of those who designed and erected the Astronomically Aligned Sighthill Stone Circle, which is in danger of the being taken down in the near future with area re-development
There is information on the circle
And there is a petition as well
In 1978-79 the Glasgow Parks Astronomy Project designed and built the first astronomically aligned stone circle for at least 3,500 years, in Sighthill Park in Glasgow. The circle was intended to be an educational tool and visitor attraction, but has been neglected by the City Council hitherto. Land & Environmental Services (successors to the Parks Dept) have wanted to renovate and complete it since 2001, but for various reasons it hasn’t happened yet. On November 26th (the day before a book about the circle was published worldwide!) we were informed that it would shortly be demolished, in order to test the ground for chemical contamination, in order to show that Glasgow is serious about bidding for the 2018 Youth Olympics. Sighthill Park was a chemical factory at one time, but in order for the Project to get planning approval to build the stone circle, the parks contractors had to test the site thoroughly for chemical contamination in 1978 and there was none. The circle is now attracting worldwide interest and should be a major attraction for the Olympic Village and subsequent development, rather than ‘an unfinished piece of 1970s public art’ as the Council employee concerned insists on describing it. The Herald, Sunday Express and BBC Scotland have all given support to the campaign, and there are several petitions in circulation. The main one has over 500 signatures to date. Any additions to this petiton would be great for the campaign. Thank you
Friends of Sighthill Stone Circle

ann arky's home.