Showing posts with label The Invisible Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Invisible Committee. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Hope Or Now??

      Some years ago I read "The Coming Insurrection" by The Invisible Committee, and found it extremely interesting and informative, an excellent read. Since then I have plucked quotes from them every so often. I am now reading "Now" another of their renderings and again I find it fascinating. It is available as a free download from Libcom Library.
       The following is an extract from the first chapter, "Tomorrow Is Cancelled", I wonder if it resonates with you as it does with me? 

--------Hope. Now there's at least one disease this civilization has not infected us with. We're not despairing for all that. No one has ever acted out of hope. Hope is of a piece with waiting, with the refusal to see what is there, with the fear of breaking into the present-in short, with the fear of living. To hope is to declare one­self in advance to be without any hold on that from which something is expected nonetheless. It's to remove oneself from the process so as to avoid any connection with its outcome. It's wanting things to be different without embracing the means for this to come about. It's a kind of cowardice. One has to know what to commit to and then commit to it. Even if it means making enemies. Or making friends. Once we know what we want, we're no longer alone, the world repopulates. Everywhere there are allies, closenesses, and an infinite gradation of possible friendships. Nothing is close for someone who floats. Hope, that very slight but constant impetus toward tomorrow that is communicated to us day by day, is the best agent of the maintenance of order. We're daily informed of problems we can do nothing about, but to which there will surely be solutions tomor­row. The whole oppressive feeling of powerlessness that this social organization cultivates in everyone is only an immense pedagogy of waiting. It's an avoidance of now. But there isn't, there's never been, and there never will be anything but now. And even if the past can act upon the now, this is because it has itself never been anything but a now. Just as our tomorrow will be. The only way to understand something in the past is to under­stand that it too used to be a now. It's to feel the faint breath of the air in which the human beings of yesterday lived their lives. If we are so much inclined to flee from now, it's because now is the time of decision. It's the locus of the "I accept" or the "I refuse," of ''I'll pass on that" or ''I'll go with that." It's the locus of the logical act that imme­diately follows the perception. It is the present, and hence the locus of presence. It is the moment, endlessly renewed, of the taking of sides. Thinking in distant terms is always more comfortable. "In the end," things will change; "in the end," beings will be transfigured. Meanwhile, let's go on this way, let's remain what we are. A mind that thinks in terms of the future is incapable of acting in the present. It doesn't seek transformation; it avoids it. The current disaster is like a monstrous accumu­lation of all the deferrals of the past, to which are added those of each day and each moment, in a continuous time slide. But life is always decided now, and now, and now.------
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Thursday 4 July 2019

Save The Planet, End Wars.

         I always maintain that governments who profess to be going "green" but continue to increase spending on their military, are hypocrites, charlatans and down right liars. Of course that is my opinion of all governments and their coterie. One of the biggest polluters of our atmosphere is the military, even when they are not blowing up this country or that country. Just the mere existence of the vast military budget is a blast of CO2 beyond belief. You can turn down your thermostat, boil less water in your kettle and take a shorter shower or shallower bath, but one super fighter jet taking to the air, in a few minutes, will over turn that a hundred fold. Even putting aside the mass killings, total destruction of infrastructure and unbelievable misery to countless thousands of innocent people, the shear pollution from a modern war is catastrophic for the atmosphere. A major conflict outstrips almost any other human activity in pollution.
       So to save the planet we have to start and get rid of the system that sees wars as an answer to its problems, and always keeps itself armed to the teeth to defend or expand its power and wealth. That means the dismantling of the capitalist system, and replacing it with a sustainable system based on co-operation, mutual aid and free from the profit motive, in a word, anarchism. 
        The revolutionary gesture no longer consists in a simple violent appropriation of this world; it divides into two. On the one hand, there are worlds to be made, forms of life made to grow apart from what reigns, including by salvaging what can be salvaged from the present state of things, and on the other, there is the imperative to attack, to simply destroy the world of capital.
-The Invisible Committee, Now, 2017
        Some interesting facts from Tarcoteca

           A fact we should remember, the environment that we grow up in always seems normal, until we look over the wall and see, things can be different.
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