Showing posts with label Virgin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virgin. Show all posts

Saturday 4 February 2012


         A recent report states that Richard Branson's Virgin company paid the London Metropolitan Police more than £5,000 after police raids aimed at proving television set-boxes were being used to view channels without paying. It is very likely that the police only conducted the raids because of the money offered by Virgin. This is a trend that we will see more of as the state hands over more and more to the corporate world. The present philosophy of privatising everything from education to health will continue and there is no ideological reason why the police can't be run by the highest bidder. Police priorities will shift according to who is prepared to pay the most, as state funding dwindles the police force will be obliged to raise money from its activities and eventually show a profit. What chance will you have then if your house is burgled, or a member of your family is ripped of in some scam, if the big paying police customers want them to spend their time trying to track down those who might be downloading their stuff for free on the internet. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Corporate fascism is well and truly embedded.

ann arky's home.