In this unjust, unequal society justice is the at the dictate of the powerful, the ordinary people are in a continuous struggle to try and achieve justice, but so far have failed. So what is universal justice? In all Probability it is anarchism.
This film on justice is from Submedia and is well worth the time to sit down and watch, and perhaps spread it around.
It's our pleasure to announce a new episode in our A is for Anarchy series, "What
A world without police or prisons doesn’t mean a world where harm isn’t confronted or addressed. Learn more about anarchist conceptions of justice in this episode of A is for Anarchy
Our conceptions of justice shape who we are and how we believe the world should work. In this episode of A is for Anarchy, we examine historical foundations of justice, the carceral criminal justice systems employed by states today, and anarchist strategies for confronting and addressing harm outside of the punitive logic of the state.
In a world where states claim a monopoly on justice, we’re left with just us, so what are we going to do about it?