An appeal from comrades supporting those facing long prison sentences for resiting fascism, it may be happening in that part of the planet labelled Greece, but the fight against fascism has no borders, nor should our solidarity for comrades caught up in the state's judicial web of repression for carrying on the fight. Solidarity is our river that runs freely across the surface of the planet.
The prosecutions for many people included felony-level charges. The judicial hearings have not finished yet for all the prosecuted people, as it’s still to take place the appeal court of some comrades who back then were over 18 years old, and they are judged with the relevant legal imposition. The amounts of money that need to be raised are nearly unaffordable, and the period of lock-down because of Covid-19 made even more difficult the procedure of collecting that money.

This specific solidarity campaign is about collecting a relatively small mount of the total legal expenses for the appeal court, as the biggest part has already been collected. These legal expenses arise by the need for the legal defence of the prosecuted people in front of the trial chamber.
Solidarity campaign, appeal court for the anti-fascist demo at 17/9/2015<