Showing posts with label anti-zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-zionism. Show all posts

Saturday 30 December 2023


        Writing about what has gone wrong in this world is easy. We could start locally, the rising child poverty in the UK, increasing hardship on families due to rocketing mortgages, and food prices, the increase in homelessness, and rough sleeping, the collapsing health system by government agenda, to drive it in to the hands of large corporations to let them make millions for the suffering of ordinary people, the crumbling education system. All of these are a brutal indictment of a system that has miserable failed to see to the needs of people of this country.
        However, all this fades into insignificance when we look at what the American empire and its cronies are doing in supporting the genocide taking place in Gaza under the the hands of the psychopathic Zionist nutcases sitting in the Israeli government. A deranged bunch of insane religious headbangers who believe they are special, the chosen people and have the right to ethnic cleanse the country of Palestine because their wee mythical man in the sky gave them this land more than 2,000 years ago. Insanity and religious fantasy as government policy. What is more shocking, that the leaders of the so called developed West go along with this savage insanity. Instead of their humanity, which they all seem to lack, instead of calling for a ceasefire to this brutal genocide, they bleat on about more humanitarian aid instead of a ceasefire, WHY, do they believe that the Palestinians must be well fed and looked after before they are slaughtered?
        Over 21,000 civilians killed in less than three months, more than half of them children. Will those who are against a ceasefire, please explain how this can be, in all humanity be acceptable. Those orchestrating this bloody genocide and those supporting it, must be held to account and soon if humanity has a chance of survival in this troubled world. 

        There’s a single news story about international conflicts which keeps repeating itself again and again in different iterations, and that story is this: “US-centralized empire fights to secure domination of planet Earth, and some populations resist this.”
           You’re seeing this story with Hamas, Hezbollah and Ansarallah today. That’s what you’ve been seeing with all the standoffs with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. That’s what you see when the US-centralized power structure terrorizes nations in Latin America like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua.
           It’s a giant empire attacking nations who have the temerity to insist on their own national sovereignty rather than being absorbed into the imperial blob. It uses full-scale wars, proxy conflicts, starvation sanctions and blockades, drone wars, CIA coups and deliberately fomented color revolutions to subvert any government which defies the US agenda of securing total planetary domination.
       If you can understand this, you can understand pretty much any major international conflict in modern times.
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Saturday 28 October 2023


     The Israeli government is packed with racist Zionist fundamental nutcases. It was the only way Benjamin Netanyahu could prop up and hold onto his power and save himself from corruption charges. Here are some comments from individuals in or associated with the Israeli government. We are supposed to take these people as rational and responsible individuals.  

      Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Bezalel Smotrich says there ‘isn’t a Palestinian people’.
     Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvirclaim claims his rights outweigh that of Palestinians
     Israel’s former ambassador to UN calls Palestinians 'inhuman animals'
     Dan Gillerman says he is 'very puzzled by the constant concern' for the Palestinian people



         From that racist arrogance spews hatred and ensuing misery and deprivation for millions of innocent Palestinian individuals. 


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