As 2014 starts to write its story, we have artists, in this case con-artists, the Cameron Gang of millionaire parasites, attempting to paint it as the year of patriotism. They will endeavour to drown us in patriotic bullshit, using the horrible slaughter of the disastrous and unnecessary World War 1, attempting to paint it as a wonderful achievement. This horrendous human folly will be re-branded as part of a glorious past. A blood bath brought about by the wealthy, greedy, power hungry, aristocrats squabbling over lines in their empires. This disagreement between the parasites resulted in 37 million, military and civilian casualties. There were over 16 million deaths, and more than 20 million wounded. Disease claimed more than 2 million and another 6 million went missing presumed dead. For what?

Photo from Google.
Photo from Google.
We should not allow the pampered, millionaire Oxbridge parasites to use this horrendous event as a smoke screen to conceal the effect of their vicious policies. It would be demeaning to those who died in that pointless blood bath. All of those who died were our people, the ordinary people, and they died because of other people's egos, stupidity and greed.
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