Showing posts with label atheist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atheist. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 April 2023



            I often think that this God guy should come down from his home in the sky and explain his virgin birth caper. If he did, every TV outlet on the planet would give him air time to explain himself. After all, when he made Adam he just used some dust, and for Eve he took a rib from Adam, so why when he wanted to create a son, he had to come down to Earth and screw somebody’s wife? After all he had proclaimed his dogma that a marriage is one man and one woman, so why the adultery? Was this his first and only erection, or did he have them on several occasions, but this time decided to use it more productively? Did he enjoy the sex, did Mary, was she even aware of it? If not, then this was rape. Then of course there is the other question, since God doesn’t eat or drink, unless there is a supermarket and a kitchen in heaven, why on earth, or in heaven, did he give himself a penis. Its only purpose is to get rid of urine and for sex? Was he planning in starting a family through the usual means? Are there urinals in heaven? There are just so many questions he has to answer. I also think Joseph has a case for a divorce and perhaps Mary could bring rape charges against him. If he is a decent guy he should show up and explain himself.


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Friday 24 December 2021


           It's that time of the year when the holy people get rather excited about the guy that they say founded their religion, a guy called Jesus, one of the greatest gifts to capitalism and consumerism know to the world, (we could of course go back to the Cynics, some 300 years before Jesus's most unusual birth for that sort of teaching without the carp bullshit of magic) It is amazing how these people swallow this nonsense with a serious face, taking the words in that book called the Holy Bible as facts, the supposed words of their god. Even as a child, I couldn't swallow the tales of women being turned into a pillar of salt, dead people coming alive again, turning water into wine, it all seemed so much crap and put me at odds with my family, who were Church of Scotland, except my eldest sister, who at 21 got baptised and became a member of the Baptist Church, all very weird and rather silly to me. Then in later years the virgin birth became some form of joke, and just another snippet of carp bullshit from that book that has plagued the human species for centuries, being the foundation of the perpetuation of ignorance, authoritarianism, blind obedience, sadistic cruelty, barbarity and bloody wars. 

       Just as a reminder of how this annual plague of consumerism was generated, I'll leave the last words on the virgin birth to a fellow Glaswegian Kevin Bridges.

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Tuesday 20 October 2020

His Word.

          Looking for a break from reading and writing about all the insanity of the state/capitalist cesspool with all its poverty, homelessness, gross inequality, exploitation, wars, corruption, deprivation, repression and the greed driven pampered privileged parasites that run this citadel of plunder. After all it has all been said before in a myriad of fashions, all that remains to be done is action, there has been enough words and dialogue is hopeless.
        So I thought I would turn my mind to that other disaster of humanity, religion, especially the Christian religion. Their holy of holy books the bible, raises a lot of questions. So god made Adam from mud and dust and then, I suppose just to do something different he created Eve, but not from the same mud an dust, no, he took a rib from Adam to do the job. Having created his two toys he equipped them both with fully function sexual organs, then forbids them to use them. That's a rather nasty and twisted attitude.
        God having created his two toys in his little garden of Eden, his toys got naughty and started to beget. There naughty behaviour begot two sons. There rises another question, the two sons Cain and Able went and done what lots of young men do they went and got married, to who? Was there another Adam and Eve somewhere else in the garden doing a bit of begetting and had two daughters? Or perhaps god had found out all about mass production and was turning out Adams and Eves all over the place, and they all turned naughty.
         Of course this god is a loving god, or so they say, but asking a family to leave a town that he was going to destroy, he told them not to look back. However one young woman done the very natural thing, looked back at the home she was leaving, and the loving god immediately turned her into a pillar of salt, rather a psychopathic action I think.
         Then there is this geezer Elijah, who girded up his loins and managed to out run a horse drawn chariot for twenty miles. Now there's an athlete for you.
        Of course there was not always one bible, away back there were several bibles, some with more books of god's words than others. So how did they resolve that problem, did they ask god, who is invisible and lives some where up in the sky to come down and sort out what was his words and what was balderdash. No, a group of men sat down and decided what was god's words and what was not, and so they ended up with one holy holy christian book of god's words. However, we only have their word for that of course. This holy holy book is supposed to be the word of god, then again some say you have to interpret what is written. So at the end of the day we only have some old men's word that these are the words of god, and interpretations by other men, or your own interpretation of a bunch of stories of various nomadic tribes tales.
         Apart from the garbage that this "faith", (substitute insanity) they believe in, it is the raging horror of wars, savagery and brutality, between all those with different shades of this religious insanity, their desire for power over people's lives, their drive to get everybody to accept the nonsense in which they believe and the authoritarian structure that are they life's blood. As a book of facts it is patently obviously ridiculous rubbish, as a work of fiction it is so much garbled rubbish it should hold the accolade of the most inane puerile nonsense ever written. There I feel better already. 

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Friday 18 March 2016

Little Questions About God.

         Got this from comrade Loam, thanks Loam. As the comment states, apparently it is a song that was banned during the Franco era.Those good Christians can't abide anybody questioning their God.

         "During the dictatorship that killed so many people in my country, it was forbidden to play this song in the radio or the TV. The dictators were, of course, defending "christian faith"."
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Tuesday 14 September 2010


     We all know that the Catholic church preaches repression, sexual repression being at its foundation. Women are second class citizens as far as the Catholic church is concerned, unclean in fact. If it wasn't for Eve and her weakness we would all be living in the Garden of Eden, women are flawed. That doesn't say much for the creator, after all he only made two humans and got one wrong.
      This organisation is lead by a former member of the Hitler Youth movement who has presided over a cesspool of paedophiles and abuser.
      This organisation, like all religions, heaps suffering and misery on the lives of millions across the globe with its views on so many things from contraception, aids, gays and abortion, plus the influence it wields in the corridors of power, an influence out of all proportion to the number of the faithful practitioners. Poly Toynbee's comment in the Guardian is very apt when it comes to the Catholic Church's view on aids, " Ann Widdecombe's riposte that the Catholic church runs more Aids clinics than any single nation was like suggesting the Spanish Inquisition ran the best rehab clinics for torture victims." 

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