Showing posts with label betrayal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label betrayal. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 April 2020

A Personal View.

    I have always maintained that the "lockdown" would only last so long before cracks start to appear and people start to stretch the rules a bit further and further, and if there is a heavy handed put down by the police it could all fall apart. The human is  a social creature, we live by socialising, we like to choose when and where we socialise and with who me socialise. What we are experiencing now is alien to our nature and we will rebel in one way or another sooner or later. We should prepare for that event by organising and coming together in our communities to ensure we don't turn it into a foolhardy free for all, but a determined effort to take back control of our lives in a rational and co-operative manner. I don't know the answer as to how we do that, but if we don't talk about it and prepare for it, we will never find the answer, but I do believe that mutual aid has to be the foundation stone of our new normal. The longer this "lockdown" goes on the more likely there will be of a growing desire to break out of it, we should be preparing for that event.
    In the talking and thinking about such a situation we should also be clear that we are not breaking out to go back to the old "normal", we must make sure that plan is complete killed off. We have the ability, imagination and the desire to create that better world that benefits us all, a world that sees to the needs of all our people. It is there, it is within our grasp, there has never been a better time or a greater opportunity than now to break the mould and start anew. As the Scouts say, "Be prepared".
     I think the graphic blow is a perfect reminder of the old "normal" that we don't want to go back to.

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