Showing posts with label clean air. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean air. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 December 2022


          Once again the UK state shows its true colours, it spouts green renewable policies but decides to open up another coal mine. All this while experts say that climate catastrophe could happen at much lower temperatures than first predicted. The usual mantra is repeated, "it will bring jobs and help the economy". Help the economy really means allow the millionaire/billionaire class to make heaps more money, as for the jobs, it will be dirty, dangerous, unhealthy and unnecessary jobs. We all know that wars bring jobs and helps the economy, the rich getting richer, but nobody in their right mind wants jobs at that price. The same logic should apply in the case of coal mining, pouring more CO2 into the atmosphere, accelerating the climate catastrophe that is heading our way.
          Why do we allow these money grabbing mobsters of parasites to dictate our future, to bind us to extinction via climate disaster, just so they can enhance their already extreme ill-gotten wealth. Surely we could do better without them and their leeching greed. We can build a fairer society based on mutual aid and co-operation between communities, a society that sees to the needs of all our people. Of course it will never happen as long as we leave this bunch of greed driven parasites holding the reins of power. As always, the choice is ours, knuckle down and grin and bear it, or stand up and take the fight to them, on the streets, in the workplaces and in our communities. The future is ours to grasp, it will never be given to us.

 Image courtesy of Manchester Evening News. 

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