Showing posts with label games console. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games console. Show all posts

Sunday 20 March 2011


       See here we have another "Coalition of the Willing", a bunch of Western imperialist states supported by a ragtag bag of dictatorships, about to blow the shit out of another oil rich country. No matter what the "rebels" or the "Pro-Gaddafi" groups think, it will be Libyan people that will be killed. It will be ordinary people, men women and children that will be at the receiving end of the might cruise missiles. Missiles that will be launched by a bunch of youngsters sitting in what could pass for a games console, an environment completely divorced from the reality of what they are doing. Their co-ordinates and button pushing will result in mangled bodies of young and old, ordinary Libyan people. At the end of it all, the West will have control of the oil and the Libyan people will be left with a divide country potholed by mighty missiles and pockmarked by graves.

        Is this the only answer that a civilised world has to this problem? If so we are in for a massive escalation of missile launching as our world is filled with Gaddafis, large and small, and in most cases armed to the hilt by the benevolent West. The real problem is state power and corporate capitalism working hand in glove with each other to further their power and wealth. All this has nothing to do with the welfare of the people, to the state and the corporate world, people are dispensable, profit and power are the gods.