Showing posts with label health privatisation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health privatisation. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 November 2011


       Glasgow's march and rally, Day of Action, today, November 30, was probably the largest protest march seen in the city since the demonstration against the Iraq war. It was large by anybody's standard. Chatting to people on the pavement as I gave out leaflets I was pleased by the welcome response I was receiving and the eagerness for a leaflet and information. On Glassford street as I handed a leaflet to a woman who was standing watching the march go past, she smiled and said, “That is the most beautiful thing I have seen in years, good on them.” That I believe is the most common response among the ordinary people of our city.

      The public are aware that they are being ripped-off by a bunch of wealth parasites, they are aware that the millionaire government are lying to them, they are aware that the politicians are in the pocket of the corrupt bankers, and they are pissed-off with the lot of them. Let's hope that the public in their anger, come together not just to protect pensions, not just to stop the cuts, but to change the system. Our living standards are heading to the Victorian era, our kids education is being decimated, our social services are being dismantled, our health service is being privatised, if we have to stop all of that we have to change the system.

      The system that this government willing presides over and eagerly pursues, is responsible for callous and cruel criminal acts. It is responsible for throwing well over 1 million of our young people on the dole, stifling their potential for a decent life, and destroying a multitude of dreams and hopes. Their system is responsible for another brutal crime, that of massively increasing child poverty in this country. Their attack on the ordinary people, is at all stages of their life, increase child poverty, massive youth unemployment, soaring adult unemployment, and decimation of pensions. Add to that the wage cuts/freezes, and destruction of social services, while the rich get richer and you see the extent of their attack on the ordinary people and you can only come to one conclusion, they see it as what it is, class war. Only when we see it as the same, and fight back to destroy their power and change the system, to one that sees to the needs of all our people, only then will we eliminate all the problems listed above.

ann arky's home.