Showing posts with label homelessness and ill health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homelessness and ill health. Show all posts

Saturday 18 May 2024

Crime of Homelessness.

         So Richy Sunak's fortune has risen to £651 million while he presides over the worst housing crisis in the Western world. Does he care, of course not, why should he he has several homes dotted around the planet. He doesn't know how to grasp the fact of being homeless. Are these the sort of people we want running our affairs for us? Or do you think we could do a better job if we got rid of the millionaire parasites that gain from the homeless, as it helps to keep property prices high. We live in a system that helps the rich parasites fat bank accounts stuffed by keeping people homeless to boost property prices.This won't change until we change the system and take things into our own hands and rid ourselves of the blood sucking leeches that dominate the property market to boost their ill gotten gains. To preside over homelessness so as to fatten you personal wealth is a crime against humanity and such people must be held to account. Homelessness is a word that hides a multitude of health problems, leads to children being deprived of a decent life with all the future consequences that all that entails, a stunted future for millions of children, children who will be anchored and mired in permanent poverty. The choice is ours bequeath or children more of the same or make a stand and change the whole stinking insane system. Only us will bring about that change the fat cats will fight tooth and nail to keep the system of homelessness boosting property prices.  

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