Showing posts with label increase production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label increase production. Show all posts

Monday 18 October 2021

Photo Op.

          It is difficult to see this Cop-26 as anything other than a chance for the powers that be to get together to spout their usual platitudes and grasp a bit of media publicity with the accompanying photo opportunities. No matter what they say or promise, the one glaring fact that blows the whole thing out the water is the fact that all the giant gas and oil companies have plans to increase gas and oil production considerably by 2030. Hardly the foundations for a green economy. Of course it makes the ordinary people believe that the powers that be, the rich and powerful are actually doing something that will end this economic suicide mission that capitalism is driving.
          Gazprom, fossil fuel production, 9.7 million barrels of oil a day. Projected increase of production, 2018-2030, 3%.
          Chevron, fossil fuel production, 2.93 million barrels of oil a day. Projected increase of production, 2018-2030 20%
          Saudi Armaco fossil fuel production, 13.0 million barrels a day. Projected increase of production, new oilfields, 550,000 barrels of oil a day.

           So in the coming few years, these three companies alone will increase oil production by a massive 1,427,000 barrels of oil a day. So how green will our world be by then?
          I penned this little verse more than 20 years ago and to all intents and purposes, we are still oblivious.


In this world where we serve oblivion
with a blind pride and sure conviction
creating plans to land a man on Mars
grandiose schemes to conquer the stars
eyes on horizons ever further afield
believing, to us the universe will yield.
Yet here on Earth we fail to see
a chaotic world of human debris,
our magnificent results thus far 
a planet dying from a human scar,
oblivious that our plans sublime
are mere litter scattered in space and time.

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