The giant energy company Equinor has just announced record profits of £62 billion, this on the back of grabbing a much larger share of the natural gas market after Europe cut its gas supplies from Russia. So while we freeze the energy companies fatten their shareholders bank accounts. Though in the case of Equinor, it's ranked as the 169th-largest public company in the world and is a Norwegian state owned company, so lots of loot rolls into the Norwegian state coffers. Unlike the UK where our lords and masters made sure that all the profit from the North Sea gas and oil goes straight to their buddies in the capitalist gang. Like all large companies, Equinor wants to be bigger and is in the process of trying develop the Rosebank field in the North Sea, if approved this one field could produce more climate pollution than the
combined annual emissions of the world’s 28 lowest-income countries. This polluting development must be stopped at all costs. We can all do our bit to end this economic insanity, by continuous mass protests at the doors of all the large rip-off companies and supporting ever strike, showing solidarity with all those who struggle for that better life for us all.

When you add Shell's profits of £32 billion and BP's profit of £7 billion to Equinor's £62 billion, that's a lot of loot plunder from the public as we struggle to meet our energy bills The only conclusion we can arrive at is that we are being ripped-off and laughed at by the billionaire parasite class, as they stuff their bank accounts with money earned on the backs of of our poverty. There is an alternative way to organise our society that frees it from the profit motive and sees to the needs of all our people, Did I say anarchism, well looking at the total disregard in this society for the well being of ordinary people, why not.
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