Showing posts with label international grass roots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label international grass roots. Show all posts

Saturday 31 December 2011


         So 2011 runs out and 2012 pops its head above the parapet. We can discuss the “what ifs” of the issues of 2011 but the over riding problem will be addressing the real problem that faces us in 2012. We have reached a position in the development of the world where our affairs are no longer controlled at a local level. We can organise at that local level but what influences our lives most will be decide by a small group of extremely wealthy and powerful billionaires/multimillionaires. With their trillions and billions of Dollars/Euros/Pounds they blackmail countries and threaten economies in the process of protecting and increasing their wealth. Never in our history has so much power rested in the hands of so few. Never have so few held sway over the lives of so many millions of the earth's population. Their financial calculations will determine the poverty or otherwise of those millions. Their drive to hold on to, increase and protect that wealth and power will shape the world we live in, will determine what industries will be developed, what parts of the planet will be decimated, what population will be sacrificed on their alter of greed.

       We can survey the array of political parties offering their various magic potions, all promising to bring prosperity and happiness to all. However none of them will be able to run against the power of the multi-millionaire/billionaire cabal, all of them will play the game according to the rules set down by their financial masters the rich cabal. On a world wide scale, social services will be cut, public assets will be sold off to the wealthy and powerful, money will be poured into the coffers of that faceless Mafia. All the political parties will comply but put their own colour of paint on the box but it will be the same kit of tools in the box.

        Our only hope of salvaging our world from the hands of the vampire squid organisation is to ignore their rule book and write our own. Stop trying to implement change through the political system as it is set up, by-pass the party political system, it stinks, is corrupt and in the pockets of the financial Mafia. We must organise at grass roots level and across borders. Capital has no nationality, it is international, to fight it we have to be the same, an international grass roots movement. As long as we enter into debate with the corrupt financial system we hand it legitimacy. It has no legitimacy, no group has the legitimacy to push millions into a world of deprivation in the midst of plenty, merely to further their own wealth and power. We are governed by consent, we can and have the right, to withdraw that consent, and the need to withdraw that consent has never been more pressing. The future of all generations to come and the planet itself depends on how we address the problem of a world controlled by a small corrupt and greed gang who are blind to the disasters of their self-seeking policies.
        Here's wishing you a revolutionary new year.

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