It never fails to amaze me, no matter how hard the state bears down on the people, they always fight back. However hard the state repression is, there are those who will fight back, resist, circumvent, short-circuit, the state's brutality, and do whatever is possible to reach out for that freedom, which the state will always try to deny.
Keli Squat.
While the Greek state is now rampant fascism, and does is best to shut-down all free spaces by attacking and evicting squats across the country, the ingenuity and determination of the people comes to the fore. In that land of Troika repression and deprivation, the state, in July 2013, evicted the Keli squat in Igoumenitsa. However it appears that the people had other ideas, and it has been re-occupied on the 3 September.

Ioaninna Municipality.
On Thursday 5 September, in Ioannina in North West Greece, and Heraclion in Crete, the people showed solidarity with those evicted from the squats all over Greece and occupied the Municipality Buildings in both towns. So the fight goes on, brutal repression met with organised, determined resistance. The fight will only stop when the state has vanished and is forgotten in the fog of history.

Heraclion Municipality.