Showing posts with label perpetual crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perpetual crisis. Show all posts

Thursday 20 July 2023



          Everybody surely knows that there is something dangerously wrong with our present economic system. It has in the past, present and will in the future fail miserable to see to the basic needs of all of humanity and the survival of humanity itself. If you are a member of that strata of people at the receiving end of the economic system’s free hand out of poverty and deprivation, you’ll understand what I’m saying. 

                                              Image courtesy of The Communist.

          Why does this system persist despite in vicious disregard for the vast majority of humanity? It spawns wars across the globe from South America to Africa, the Middle East to Europe, wars that only the privileged few gain from, but the vast majority suffer the consequences the deaths, injuries and devastation. We are prisoners of a system owned and controlled by a small number of very rich individuals and massive international monopoly corporations. The only result from such plundering and pillaging the Earth’s resources is to deny the vast majority of humanity a decent standard of living. 

         This system persists because of our subservience to the illusions peddled by its propaganda machine and the control by the various states that manges the population with laws, rules and regulations that perpetuate the existing status-quo. Change will only come when we start to see through the illusions and help others to join us in dispelling myth and replacing it with facts. Awakening to the fact that our acceptance of this system of injustice and savage brutality is not laid down in tablets of stone from some immutable design, it is human designed system and can be changed only by human intervention on a massive scale. We have to abolish borders, erase racism, grow our solidarity for all repressed people and build on co-operation, sustainability and justice for all. We accept the inequality and injustice and hand it down to our children and grandchildren or we stand up, join hands, get organised on a massive scale and make the changes we need and are due, as we are the creators of all the wealth on this planet. Organised solidarity is our winning weapon.

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