Showing posts with label phoney elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phoney elections. Show all posts

Friday 22 April 2011


      It is that time again, yes, your wish is my command. Well not my command, those strange creatures we see every four or five years, they normally go under the heading of politicians. Though we don't see much of them between times, we do hear a lot about them, there is their phony expenses, their dodgy business dealing and their suspect relations with people in high places. Then there is their waffling and babble and those endless photo opportunities. Now it is the theatrical season, the phony actors are taking to the stage. Yes, it's election time.

      As the election nears I feel I'm in the promised land, well the promises are there, but that's about as near as I'll get. Each of the parties offer what they think you'll want to hear. More jobs, safeguarding essential services, a curb on excessive bonuses, more control of the banks, improvements in the NHS, better education opportunities for our kids, you name it, they'll offer it. Each one through that chiselled in smile or a face of gravitas go through their little spiel, their prepared pathetic little act, doing their damnedest to look honest and sincere. Sadly these are features that are completely unfamiliar to them, so they fail miserably.

     After the election there is the game of musical chairs, a wee reshuffle in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption, then the new actors (the politicians) settle in to the gravy train, keeping their snouts very close to the pig trough and become invisible in there constituencies. You and I, on the other hand, go back to our daily grin of struggling against cuts in our standard of living, unemployment, cuts in pensions, attacks on the National Health Service and a decimated education system, while trying to bring up our kids and taking care of our elderly parents.
     The only change in our lives after the election is the crop of new smiling faces plastered across the papers and TV screen. Vote? Why? On election day throw a party for your friends and family, take the kids away for the day, visit old friends, paint the house, read a book, just don't vote. Leave election day for the parasites to vote for themselves, after all that's what the election is all about, them.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


     As the UK election campaign for the Westminster House of Corruption rolls on to its ultra boring conclusion, the media keep referring to the elections having reached “fever pitch”. So far we have had a television “debate” by the three “leaders” where there has been rantings about how well each projected himself. We have also had a mountain of coverage on how well each of their respective wives were handling the affair. We have also had photos of the young Nick Clegg at his posh school with some other toffs.
     Any words that they vomit out at the various photo opportunities are preceded by, savings and cuts that wont hurt anybody, and of course “change”. They are all for change, time for change, our change will be better than their change and other crap waffle. They get quite excited about when the cuts should come, now, later, not at all. The savings are always in meaningless numbers, a billion here and a billion there. Absolutely no detail, no meaningful explanations. They think the electorate is stupid.
      With about two weeks left for you to decide who gets their snout in the pig trough we have heard nothing about any of the real problems facing the ordinary people. It is incredible that we approach a national election and the country has been nine years at war and not one of the main parties have even mentioned the war. A war that has claim almost 300 young British lives, not to mention the other lives lost in that unfortunate country, yet it is not an issue at the national election. They don't want the public to discuss the killing of working class youth.
      So what are you voting for? The three main parties all agree on all but the cosmetics, so what you are really voting for is to see that somebody gets a salary of at least £64,000 plus “expenses” nudge-nudge, and a host of other money making perks, while you can look forward to cuts in all departments of your life. Cuts in health, education, pensions, social benefits, wage cuts and wage freezes, higher unemployment, working longer before you get your reduced pension. You can sit back and watch the billionaires get fists full of tax payers money while you head for a return to the Victorian era. Are you mad!!
      This system of capitalist exploitation is not set in tablets of stone, it is a man made system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. There are alternatives, surely we have sufficient imagination to take control of our own lives and devise a system of justice and mutual aid, a system that sees to the needs of all in that society and not pander to a bunch of greedy power hungry parasites.