Showing posts with label political blunder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political blunder. Show all posts

Saturday 18 April 2020

Murder By Stupidity.

        Coronavirus, yes, they got it wrong, not by accident, but by only accepting advice from one stream of advice that was available, they chose the experts to follow and ignored others well versed in this type of situation. Blindly following "the science", as if there was no other expert advice available. This is gross stupidity and that single minded stupidity is responsible for a vastly increased number of deaths. They can't just wriggle out of it and walk away, too many people have suffered and died. They must be held to account, those deaths are on their watch and on their hands. Can killing by stupidity be called murder? The public must stand up and drive this bunch of stupid single track minds from ever again being in a position to make decisions over our lives.
An extract From The Guardian:
  ‘On 12 March, the government alarmed public health experts by abandoning containment, community case-finding and contact-tracing would stop.’ Boris Johnson arrives at a news conference on 12 March. Photograph: Simon Dawson/PA
     ----Two months on, that anxiety has not gone, although it’s also been joined by a sense of sadness. It’s now clear that so many people have died, and so many more are desperately ill, simply because our politicians refused to listen to and act on advice. Scientists like us said lock down earlier; we said test, trace, isolate. But they decided they knew better. Am I being unfair? The government assures us that its decisions and timing are based on science, as if it is a neutral, value-free process resulting in a specific set of instructions. In reality, the science around coronavirus is in its infancy and developing daily, with researchers across the world trying to understand how the virus spreads, how the body responds – and how to treat it and control it.
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