Prisons are one of the state's repressive tools, they are brutal places, where ever aspect of your life is at the whim of the repressive administration. Apart from over crowded and insanitary conditions, there is the abuse by the corporate bodies that use prisoners as very profitable slave labour, in this particular field I believe American leads the field. Now it seems they are going one step further in this abuse and exploitation with a rolling out of a new scheme which bans those incarcerated from receiving fresh fruit and veg from their families and friends. Packages for prisoners can now only be made through named vendors. This is just another cruel and vindictive aspect of this savage inhumane state repressive machine. Denying prisoners of healthy food and squeezing more money from families and friends while at the same time, increasing the profit of selected corporate bodies. True capitalism, profit before humanity.

The thugs who run the NYS prison
system (NYS DOCCS) has issued a new directive (4911A) that describes
new, draconian package rules that they are testing in 3 prisons as a
‘pilot program’. This directive comes in the wake of petty rule
crackdowns after the escape of two prisoners from Clinton prison in
2015. Reports have trickled in about long term prisoners losing their
trailer visits, hoodies being eliminated and even more bitterness on
the part of the guards. This past fall, political prisoner Herman
Bell was beat down by 3 or more guards, others like Ramsey Orta had
to deal with transfer way upstate and have been assaulted by staff.
Basically, staff thinks they can do what they want.
at most facilities, family and friends can drop off packages at the
front desk when visiting, packages that include fresh fruit and
vegetables that supplement the high carb/sugar, meager diet provided
by DOCCS. Although you have to deal with the guards and their
bullshit attitude about what can and cannot come into the prison, at
the end, you know your friend or family member will be getting to eat
some fresh fruit, vegetables and treats they cannot possibly get from
These new rules are horrible in so many ways
1. Packages can be ordered only from approved vendors
(so basically, some corporations will win out and have a guaranteed
market to sell overpriced processed food).
2. Fresh fruit and
vegetables are not allowed.
3. Family and friends cannot drop
off packages while visiting. All packages must be shipped through the
4. Each person is limited to ordering three packages a
month for him or herself and receiving three packages a month from
others. Each package cannot be more than 30 pounds. Of the 30 pounds
per package, only 8 pounds can be food.
5. Allowable items will
be the same in all facilities. (No more local permits.)
There are far fewer items allowed than before and of the items that
are allowed, far less variety. This includes additional restrictions
on clothing.
7. The pilot rules are not clear about how books,
media, religious items and literature, or other items subject to
First Amendment protection will be treated. This could mean that
prison book programs like Books through Bars will not be able to send
free books to the 52,000 people in the prison system.
The pilot
program implements an “approved venders only” package system.
This means that only packages from approved vendors will be accepted.
The vendors appear to be companies that specialize in shipping into
prisons and jails. There are currently five approved vendors
identified on the DOCCS website. This amounts to a cash grab for
these companies.
The pilot program is starting at three
facilities: Taconic, Greene, and Green Haven. Those facilities will
stop accepting packages from non-approved vendors on January 2, 2018.
A call to organise against this callous, vicious and vindictive piece of repression and money grabbing action:

We have to make this package directive unworkable. These new rules
are cruel; eliminating fresh fruit and vegetables and creating
massive profits for the vampire companies that will fill the niche.
Some ideas how:
2.) Get in touch with your people in NYS Prisons and let them know
about this. Inform them, send them the info. Massive non-cooperation
on the part of NYS prisoners will have to play a huge role in this.
People inside know how to make things unworkable.
3.) Flood the politicians with postcards and letters. Send one to
Governor Cuomo and one to Anthony Annucci, the acting commissioner of
Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York
NYS State Capitol Building
NY 12224
Acting Commissioner Anthony Annucci
Building 2, State Campus
NY 12226
Some sample text:
Dear Governor Cuomo,
This holiday season is about giving, not
taking away. I object to the new DOCCS package rules.
(Your relationship to people in prison, if applicable)
Dear Acting Commissioner Annucci,
The new DOCCS package pilot
punishes innocent families. Having a loved one in prison is already
expensive and difficult—the new rules make it worse. Rescind the
package pilot!
(Your Name)
(Your relationship to
people in prison, if applicable)
4.) Call Cuomo’s office and leave a message about it. You won’t
have to talk to anyone. Just leave your message. 518-474-8390
6.) Tweet at Cuomo: @NYGovCuomo
7) Get friendly media to cover this issue, to talk to family
members of people inside and spread the word.
Though I agree that prison reform is a dead end, and the prison system must be demolished, we must always show our solidarity with those trapped in this brutal state system of repression.