Showing posts with label royal infidelity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label royal infidelity. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Who Has Been Having A Wee Bit On The Side?

       Oh dear, the recent discovery of Richard III's crumpled bones has brought a skeleton out of the cupboard, no pun intended. It appears that the long line from him to the present monarch, may not be quite as it is put to us, throwing a shadow over the legitimacy of the present monarch. It seems that one of our previous royals has been having a wee bit on the side, therefore breaking the line, and the legitimacy of the following “heirs”. Why this should be a surprise baffles me, as the so called royals, through history, are well known to keep an extra bed companion to break the boredom in the bedroom. What angers me more is not that infidelity runs in their life style, it is the fact that we may have been paying through the nose to keep this family in unbelievable luxury, on a false claim. At the moment it is speculation based on a small piece of scientific evidence, but I think it should be pursued with vigour, to help us balance the budget. If it proves to be the case that the present monarch's legitimacy is flawed, then they should be housed in the nearest housing estate and told to sign on, and take their place in some workfare scheme. 
Could this be the country's biggest benefit cheat scandal
       Of course in the sane world, we all know that nobody has the legitimacy to rule over anybody, the whole idea of a monarchy belongs to some medieval power game, and has no place in any modern civilised country. However since we will never be given the opportunity to vote them out, this line of their legitimacy could be one way of showing them to the nearest job centre. 
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