Showing posts with label sparks fight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sparks fight. Show all posts

Saturday 24 December 2011


        The bullying tactics of the employers goes on, with the full backing of the millionaire cabal in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption. The construction industry is leading the charge to decimate the wages and conditions of workers, starting with the electricians, they have thrown them a new un-negotiated contract with the message, sign it or leave the site. This contract can mean up to 30% cut in wages and a host of attacks on conditions and entitlements won over many years. However, the electricians are not taking it lying down, the fight is on, and with the solidarity of all those in the private and public sector, plus the support of the ordinary people from all walks of life, they can force the employers back to the negotiating table and tear this blackmail document up and throw it in the bin where it belongs. This is not just an attack on electricians, this is an attack on all workers conditions in the private sector. If Balfour Beattie get away with this the others will quickly implement similar contracts across the board. The government is attacking the conditions of those in the public sector and now the private sector are following their lead, with the blessing of the Cameron/Clegg public school thugs. This is the biggest attack on the working class since the 30's and the results, if they win, could be much worse than the 30's for us. It is not a case of one nasty employer, it is a case of a policy of constructing a cheap labour force to help the corporate world swell their coffers.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


     While the Cameron millionaire cabal in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption slash at the social sector destroying social fabric of lives of the ordinary people of this country, he is giving the nod to his millionaire corporate Mafia friends to attack the wages and conditions in the private sector. The electricians in the construction industry are being forced, without negotiations, to accept a 30% wage cut and a change in conditions. Of course the electricians are not taking this lying down.
       Of course we have to realise that this is not a public sector struggle and a private sector struggle, this is one struggle against a system that sees workers as an insignificant mass that can be treated as best suits the corporate/financial world, and can be discarded and impoverished if it suits big business. It is time that the private sector and the public sector joined hands and worked as one, only then will we win and then we can change the system to one of justice and fairness, free from the greed of the profit motive.

ann arky's home.