Future cop.
Nice cop. Not nice cop. Nasty cop.
Found in tourist spots Has a degree in Enjoys brutality
and leafy suburbs harassment, expert found in hordes at
helps old ladies find in leaping from vans peaceful demos,
the Post Office. while wielding trucheon. being cloned rapidly.
It is amazing that there are still people out there who think that the police are there to catch muggers and burglars and fail to see that they are the states minders. The police are the step down from the military in protecting the establishment, its wealth and its power. The little bit about protecting you from the mugger is just a sort of spin-off. It keeps them in shape for their real duty, to keep you in your place.
The picture below is from 1984 and shows you what community policing is all about. It was taken from the magazine Black Flag Vol VII No.7 1984. It was in Armthorpe in England 22nd. August 1984, (1984 dadadada). Why were they there? Well some miners were on strike to try and save their jobs and you can't have that. Today's public sector workers be warned, that nice cop who stands outside the council offices and gives you a smile as you enter and leave, you could meet him in a different role.