Showing posts with label the dollar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the dollar. Show all posts

Thursday 13 October 2011


          We all know that the banks control the governments, finance rules the world. We all should know that the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) is a cartel that works to put every country into debt, then demands that the debt mountain be reduced by every country selling of all its publicly owned assets, thus putting more money into the hands of the private sector. Soon the corporate world will own everything and we will have a society without any public assets or public spaces, it will be total corporate fascism. We are nearly there it is on course to happen very soon, unless we do something to screw the system and take control of our own communities and our lives.
         The following is a short extract from a very interesting article, taken from the Freedom Socialist Party, which puts in in plain language, well worth the read.  Of course I'm not saying political parties are the answer, I see them as more the problem, but the article does help explain the methodology behind the corrupt financial system we live under.       
           Here’s the hitch. Workers, the main consumers, cannot afford to buy endless commodities. In this case, the rock of over-production runs into the hard place of not enough customers. And once again, recession or depression ensues.
The crises of over-production always underlie financial crashes, and the banks cannot fix this problem. But they do prop up their profits through government bailouts and by bleeding the working-class goose that crafts the real golden eggs. The bubbles get bigger, and there are still not enough worker-consumers who can afford to buy, buy, buy.

           Time’s up. The only way out of the quagmire is to dispose of a destructive economic system. Liberal commentators, top union officials and Democratic Party supporters argue for the party to vote for reforms such as more spending to create jobs, meaningful regulation of Wall Street, taxing the rich and corporate giants. Conservative libertarians advise turning back the clock a century or two and going back to “civilized” capitalism without monopolies.
But finance capital has all the power, and there is no way to regulate it within capitalism. For proof, none of the crooks in suits are in jail for their massive, fraudulent sale of questionable mortgage “investments.”
         A whistleblower recently revealed that the Securities and Exchange Commission has been shredding the results of its investigations of the U.S. financial industry for twenty years!
Working people need to militantly organize now in defense of expanded social services, union protections and free speech. In fighting for our rights, we can consolidate the power to overthrow this system and get one that works.