Showing posts with label war-on-terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war-on-terrorism. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 February 2012


        Under our present system you can rest assured that big brother is alive and well. Not only that but he is always trying to take his control a little bit further, little by little, but it is relentless. All the extra control mechanisms come under various guises, “war-on-terrorism” seen some of the most direct attacks on our civil liberties, but “national security” usually tops the lot. Who decides the “national security”, a rich cabal with vested interests, interests that we will never be told of, but will shape the decisions that they make. This from Liberty.
For Their Eyes Only – a new campaign
Today Liberty launches a new campaign against Government proposals to extend the use of secret evidence and closed courts.

Some things are best kept secret, like a secret valentine. Other things demand nothing less than openness and scrutiny – like justice and fair trials.

The Government’s Justice and Security Green paper undermines these centuries-old principles by allowing the deeply flawed and unfair Closed Material Procedure system to spread way beyond the boundaries of national security into any area of civil law concerning material which might ‘damage the public interest’.

This could include civil actions against the police for assault or false imprisonment; personal injury claims brought by ex-servicemen against the Ministry of Defence; class actions against Government or big business and even inquests.

Liberty believes that these proposals are designed to put the Government above the law and keep the rest of us in the dark – shutting out bereaved families, the public and the press.

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