Saturday 6 February 2021

My Friend Joe.

        Friendship is a strange thing, while living it you never think of missing it, it's something that is there on tap, and as they say, "You never miss the water until the well runs dry". More than 40 years of friendship with the last 16 or so years meeting once a week in some pub for a soup, coffee and a good old blether, where nothing was off the agenda. Everything from natural disasters to the latest medical advances, some weird recipe to political corruption, wild life to music, it didn't matter, we always had something to say about it. Joe's stories from his very varied and at times very hard life, were material for a multitude of movies and books, some tragic and other hilarious, sadly they were never recorded. Even yet, things come into my mind, and I think "Oh, I must tell Joe about that", but of course I can't. Joe died from prostrate cancer February 7th 2019, and it left a very large hole in my life. Like some old mine shaft that just can't be filled. Joe, a well known folk singer, but that was just a fragment of the man.


True friendship has many things
anger, annoyance, even squabbles,
there are times, now and again
it falters, wavers, even wobbles
but sure as fate, up it gets
with a smile on it hobbles:
with it comes comfort, warmth, love,
laughter at its foibles.
the longer it lasts the stronger it gets,
any flaw it finds it cobbles.

         This was filmed in his sister's home, a couple of weeks before Joe died, he moved to his sister house as he could no longer make the stairs of his own flat.

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      It is a thought that has always puzzled me, why does somebody want to become a prison guard, a gaoler of other humans. It seems the most deranged or deluded mind that would wish to earn their living by locking up individuals in cages. I know a lot of us take shit jobs for survival, but surely a spark of humanity in anybody would make them draw back from earning their living by treating members of their community like animals or worse. However history teaches us different, there are those people who for whatever reason will pick up the baton and the gaolers keys, we have still a long way to go before we can call ourselves a civilised species. However, I think it is right and proper that we make our opinions known regards those who would choose to earn their living as the state's skivvy and become a gaoler of people.

The following from Act For Freedom Now:

      We receive and spread:
       The national recruiting competition for the selection of prison guards took place on13th January in Paris, and the walls of the Parc des Expos exhibition centre and the Porte de Versailles metro station served for us to blow our top.
What can make a person lock up another up by force, deprive them of their freedom, personal initiative, identity, responsibility and loves? The lure of gain, no matter how derisory? Blind infinite obedience to an omnipotent authority that orders them “do this for me”? Sadistic delusion masquerading as benevolence, telling oneself “I’ll do it better than anyone else”? A torturer’s dubious ambition? Pressure from the job centre adviser?
      All these reasons disgust us, that’s why we made sure to organize a welcoming committee from the bottom of our hearts for all the adrift and human crap who turned up to the recruitment competition for prison guards on 13th January 2021, 12:30, at Parc des Expos and Porte de Versailles, Paris. The walls of the exhibition park along the route of Tram 1 and those of the metro station corridors served for us to blow our top and were copiously covered in what we think of people who spend three hours competing to become jailers, as well as the world they defend:
Against confinement revolts and freedom
Fire to the prisons
Here we recruit prison guards
Rather unemployed than screw
Screw, watch out
Rather do nothing than be a torturer
Screw, choke on your exam certificate
Fire to the jails and your cars

      In the hope that they give up, or at least have some nightmares, but also because we will not passively let individuals become lockers-up. There is no such thing as a “kind screw” a “nice prison guard” or a “caring jailer”. The screws who’d have you believe they are there to help you back into society or to get through your sentence, are and remain the people who lock you up, who have chosen what side they are on: that of authority, oppression, control, prison, the State. Everything we hate.
       Let’s not forget that competitive exams are often run to hire the various servants of power, all of whom deserve our contempt. By the way, the next session of this exam will take place in March.
A word to the wise…
        P.S.: to have an idea of what this exam is: DesDetenus

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Friday 5 February 2021

Bad News.

     Episode 42 from Bad News via Anarchist Radio Network.

         Welcome to the 42nd edition of B(A)D News: Angry Voices from Around the World, a commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, on this occasion composed by A-Radio Berlin, an anarchist podcast from Germany.
In this episode we will hear contributions from:
     1) Crna Luknja – An urgent Call for Solidarity with evicted Squat ROG in Ljubljana
      2) Free social radio 1431AM – Report on the Solidarity Fund for imprisoned Revolutionaries in Greece and the Situation of Long Time Prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas who is in an ongoing hunger strike
     3) Announcement for the upcoming A Radio Network Live Show at Saturday 13 th of Februar from 14:00 – 20:00 (CET)
     4) Elephant in the Room – an anarchist estimation of the current situation in Russia and the Protests around the trial against right-wing liberal Nawalny
     5) A Radio Berlin – with a short piece and a quote highlighting anarchist Thinker and Revolutionary Piotr Kropotkin who died 100 years ago
Total length of the show: 39 min
Audio Player

Thieving Bosses.

       So Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, steps down from his cushy job of CEO of Amazon. I doubt if he will have any money worries stepping down from his extremely lucrative little number. It could be mere coincidence that he steps down as Amazon is found guilt of stealing more than $61 million from its workers, it seems that the company simple pocketed all those millions of dollars given by the public as tips for the workers. We know that all large corporation exploit their works to varying degrees, but this one surely takes the biscuit. Of course the media are never too hard on large corporations when they are caught blatantly pilfering their workers money, after all they are dependent on, owned by, and are the mouthpiece of, the corporate world, so we expect this usual whitewashing of their corporate bosses.
    However the point that I would like to make is that the company has been fined, well and good, but the decision of what to do with that money as it came in was made by one or more individuals at the top of the tree. They have names, they as individuals should be held to account for what was obvious theft and corruption, when do we see them brought to account? The anonymous company leaves those individuals sitting pretty, and able to carry on their devious deceptive corrupt endeavours. Actions always have names and faces.
       The following is an extract from Mint Press News, describing how the media reported this blatant stealing of workers money,

       Even worse, many more framed the news as a mere allegation, despite the fact that the FTC had made a formal ruling. Forbes, for instance, led with the headline “Amazon Will Pay $61.7 Million Settlement After Allegedly Withholding Tips From Delivery Drivers.” Others (Daily Caller, Daily Mail) did the same. Meanwhile, in a tweet on the news, Vox claimed that (emphasis added) “Amazon will pay $61.7 million in a settlement over allegations that the company used customer tips to subsidize the hourly wages of some delivery drivers.” Thus, the fact that Amazon had been caught stealing was watered down into a claim that it was merely “subsidizing” “some” of its employees’ wages.
     Perhaps the worst offender was business and tech news site ZDNet, whose headline was “Amazon will pay $61.7 million to settle Flex driver tip dispute with FTC,” which obscured the matter into a foggy and very technical sounding financial dispute. Only a very small number of outlets, including Slate and The Huffington Post, echoed the FTC’s decision by using the word “stole” in their headlines. 
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Thursday 4 February 2021

Vindictive Minions.

       Those who manage the prison system for their wealthy powerful state masters, follow the state's dictate with a gay abandon, handing out vindictive actions on a daily bases, no doubt getting a feeling of satisfaction and a power rush, which encourages them to continue down that inhumane road.
      Once again, political prisoner, Eric King, has been at the receiving end of this savage brutality. Savage and brutal treatment doesn't need to be physical, there are a myriad of methods the prison managing minions can inflict this treatment on the prisoners. 
       The following from the Support Eric King Group.

        On January 5th, 2021, Eric was once again placed on a 6- month communication restriction in response to a New Year’s Eve noise demo that was held outside of FCI Englewood by various groups in Denver, a demo that happens every single year at prisons worldwide. After being accused of organizing the demo, the BOP finally admitted that they are aware that Eric had nothing to do with the noise demo. Despite this fact, the BOP North Central Regional office instructed Englewood to restrict Eric’s communication.
       Apparently, in the BOP prisoners will be held responsible for anything anyone may do. It is interesting though that in 2017 when the right-wing Bundy family attempted to force their way into the prison to visit a prisoner they stood in solidarity with, driving around the parking lot, evading guards, blasting music… there were no disciplinary actions or restrictions enforced on the prisoner. This must be another special BOP rule that only applies to anti-fascists.
         Eric can no longer correspond with anyone outside his family and lawyer. He is again cut off from communication from anyone that might offer him support and strength and solidarity during a global pandemic. He is again isolated from all contact with friends that matter deeply to him.
          If folks want to help, he can receive books. These can be a great distraction for him and all of the prisoners he passes them onto, especially during this next level federal lock-down.
Eric’s Booklist
       Donations to the bad ass lawfirm who has stepped up for him in a real way can be made, to help ensure they have the resources to continue to stand behind folks who are fighting oppression in real ways.
Donate to the Civil Liberties Defense Center
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       We all know that Turkey is ruled by a ruthless dictator with visions of a new Ottoman Empire and he doesn't tolerate any form of opposition to that grand illusion. One of those who has suffered for years in one of Turkey's prisons is Abdullal Ocalan, arrested and imprisoned 1999, still languishes in the iron grasp of blood dripping Tayyip Erdogan.
        The following is an appeal for Abdullah Ocalan to be freed from the clutches of Tayyip Erdogan's prison.

Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan.

 Dear friend,
         Kidnapped in Kenya in 1999, Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan has been jailed in Turkey ever since. Öcalan is the Kurdish Mandela: The parallels are striking. As the one leader who possesses the confidence of the Kurdish people, and as the advocate of a peaceful solution, Öcalan is indispensable to resolving the Turkish-Kurdish conflict. But he cannot fulfil this role from prison, due to the onerous conditions and the extremely restricted communication — he is at present entirely cut off from the outside world. To end this isolation is the first, urgent step. And it needs your support.
         Millions have been rallying for his freedom for many years now. Between 2013 and 2015, over 10 million people worldwide signed the demand to free him and start serious peace negotiations. We need you to add your voice too!
        Please endorse the sign-on statement. If you have already endorsed the statement perhaps you can encourage others to do the same.
         The campaign now has its own website and campaign news and activities will be posted there. You can contact us at
In solidarity,

John Tully
Honorary Professor
Victoria University
(in a personal capacity)Dear

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Wednesday 3 February 2021

Protection Gang

       I have often posted my view on the loaded judicial system that protects the wealthy and the privileged against those who would dare to point a finger at the corruption and injustice at the heart of this capitalist system. Of course it is world wide, the rich and power have set up system to protect themselves for any form of real criticism, the decisions of these judicial guardians of the wealthy, are actions that fly in the face of the flag they have the audacity to wave, that of democracy. Their democracy is a theatre of smoke and mirrors, a grand show of illusions, with suffering as its outcome.

       The following extract refers to Spain, but as I keep saying, the pattern is repeated across the globe.

The following is from arrezafe:

Thanks Loam for the translation.


"Do you swear to tell the truth?"              "I'm sitting here saying it."

         While the international oligopolistic press sets its sights on the situation of Human Rights in countries such as Venezuela or Cuba, where there are no cases of systemic persecution of their opponents, and much less of artists who manifest critical positions in their art, in Spain there are two firm convictions against rappers who denounce with their lyrics uncomfortable truths, abuses of the system and flagrant privileges that are inadmissible in states that claim to be democratic. The case of rapper ValtónYc, currently convicted but exiled from his own country to evade a Justice without due guarantees, is one more case of political condemned who must escape from a highly degraded Spanish institutionality, with dangerous glimpses of the fascist abyss and against them. humanity. Valtónyc was assumed as a public danger for singing Rap with criticism of a corrupt monarchy, with shady businesses and a firm presumption of money laundering and relationships with financial circuits of drug trafficking, it has become a paradigmatic case of how the judicial system is at the service of the powerful. A Judicial Power always ready to cover up systemic deviations, and ready to violate essential freedoms such as free expression and rebellious or didactic artistic creation for the awareness of the masses. Precisely what the system does not support in order to continue to function with impunity for the privileged. it has become a paradigmatic case of how the judicial system is at the service of the powerful. A Judicial Power always ready to cover up systemic deviations, and ready to violate essential freedoms such as free expression and rebellious or didactic artistic creation for the awareness of the masses. Precisely what the system does not support in order to continue to function with impunity for the privileged. it has become a paradigmatic case of how the judicial system is at the service of the powerful. A Judicial Power always ready to cover up systemic deviations, and ready to violate essential freedoms such as free expression and rebellious or didactic artistic creation for the awareness of the masses. Precisely what the system does not support in order to continue to function with impunity for the privileged.

Read the full article HERE: 

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Gallus Glasgow.

        The Glasgow Keelie group are a bunch of beavers, each month they turn out a wee gem packed with information gained through a critical eye. Always well worth a read and always worth spreading around. So now Glasgow Keelie 15 is up there ready to be read and be enjoyed, have a look and let's know what you think, and of course spread the word.

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Smoke & Mirrors.

       As everybody who has been involved in trying to curtail the ravages of corporate capitalism knows, the judicial system is an institution to defend those plundering actions of the corporate world against any resistance from the public at large. The system always portrays these actions of protest against the corporate juggernaut's exploits, as polite lines of police officers facing baying crowds of savage destructive trouble makers, followed by the reluctant police having to use force against this dangerous baying mob. Of course on examination you find out that the baying mob are just ordinary people with a conscience, a little courage and who are prepare to make a stand to right some injustice.
      Examples abound, day and daily in the theatrical halls of this loaded judicial illusion, from country to country, it is part of the life blood of this system of capital dominance over the health and welfare of planet and people. 
The following example is from Lecce in Italy.

         In the bunker courtroom of the prison of Lecce in the morning of Friday, January 15, the prosecutor submitted requests for sentencing 90 No TAP accused, on trial for a number of episodes of struggle which took place between 2017 and 2018. The charges range from violence and resistance against public officials to breaching expulsion orders from Lecce and Melendugno, where the struggle against the gas multinational was most intense. In the first instance trial the sentences requested ranged from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 2 years and 3 months.
        During the hearing a comrade made a declaration concerning the charges against her, here is the text:
        In this trial I am accused of having repeatedly breached an order prohibiting me from being present in the territory of Lecce and Melendugno. Some policemen, in the role of witnesses, stated that I would have deliberately and in contempt of their job of observation, neglected to hide or change my appearance. The many photographs that portray me confirm this observation. In fact I always took part in the demonstrations and the various protests without caring about the prohibition and without concealing myself. And I often spoke out, as did many others, to repeat the reasons for those mobilizations, which have involved a great number of people over two years.
         I hope the gentlemen of the police station won’t mind, but I’d say the reasons that led me to the prohibited areas, risking the charges made against me here, were quite other than contempt for the digos of Lecce. I won’t expose these reasons in all their length and breadth, also because I think that a courtroom is the least suitable place for such a purpose. Suffice it to say that it is not by chance that the reasons I am referring to are all in the missing link of the statements given by the police here in the role of witnesses, statements that sketch a rather simplified, flat, let’s say bi-dimensional scenario where the police are facing a group of rioters against a backdrop of yards, gates, country roads, olive orchards. Instead, my reasons are all in the third dimension, that of the background. These are places that have suffered the indelible scar of an aberrant operation, the TAP gas pipeline. An operation imposed from above and always rejected by the inhabitants because it upturns delicate ecosystems, puts human health at risk, upsets the local economy. Ultimately, that work represents the voracity of transnational capital to which local communities are being forced to succumb. The impressive mobilization of men in uniform in defence of the TAP Consortium and against the opponents of the works showed everyone the State’s subjugation to those superior reasons. The militarization of a vast territory and the suspension of freedom of movement within it in contempt of the population, these yes, are only some of the reasons that convinced me to take part rather than desist, to go to the prohibited areas instead of complying with the prohibitions imposed on me. I thus decided to respond to my own personal ethical imperative, ignore the injunction of authority and be present in the prohibited places.
If anything, my only regret is effectively not having done enough.
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Tuesday 2 February 2021

Hard Work!!

         In our type of Society, one of the illusions that the wealthy always try to perpetrate is that you get wealthy from working hard. The last thing they want you to understand is that most of the wealthy owe their wealthy position to a privileged background. Much better to keep the working class believing that they might make it big time, if they only work hard enough, and that wealth comes from sweat and not from inherited position and/or wealthy connections. How many wealthy people have you heard boasting of how hard it was for them, but because of their fortitude and hard work they won through in the end, omitting to mention any of the privileges that they may have had along the way.
A few experts in that field have had a wee look at this phenomenon in this interesting article from Sage Journals: 
         In a Hawaiian resort four well-groomed men puffing on expensive cigars and resplendent in white dinner jackets settle down to a nice glass of Chateau de Chassilier. Thus starts Monty Python’s classic 1974 ‘Four Yorkshiremen’ sketch about a group of men reflecting on their ascent into Britain’s elite. But rather than an exercise in self-congratulation, it is soon clear that this is an exchange of childhood reminiscences – and one in which the stakes revolve around proving one’s purported proletarian origin rather than privileged destination. ‘We used to live in a tiny, tumble-down ’ouse with great ’oles in t’roof’, John Cleese tells us in a distinctly ropey Yorkshire accent. ‘’ouse!’, exclaims Graham Chapman in marginally improved dialect. ‘You were lucky to ’ave an ’ouse. We used to live in one room. All 26 of us.’ From here a ludicrous race to the bottom ensues, with boasted familial dwellings stretching from corridors to lakes to shoe boxes.
       The sketch may not be particularly funny (and indeed a forerunner for the now hackneyed comedy trope of the ‘Northerner’) but its enduring appeal with the British public (it has been repeated verbatim by multiple1 comedians since) lies in the fact that it continues to carry a pertinent thread of social commentary. For over 50 years, survey research has consistently demonstrated that Britons tend to identify subjectively as working class, even when – like the Four Yorkshiremen – this often contradicts their ‘objective’ class position (Heath et al., 2013; Savage, 2007). For example, the latest available data – the 2016 British Social Attitudes Survey – shows that 47% of those in ‘middle-class’ professional and managerial occupations identify as working class (Evans and Mellon, 2016).

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Monday 1 February 2021

State Brutality.

         How long will we tolerate a system that is run by wealthy political ballerinas with their second homes and generous expense accounts, to treat worse than animals, those fleeing persecution death and destruction. In so called detention centres across Europe, migrants are herded together in conditions worse than the worst of prisons. Inadequate is the adjective that describes all aspects of their lives. Inadequate food, inadequate medical facilities, inadequate freedom of expression, inadequate communication with friends and support groups, and so the list goes on. All known to the powers that be, but they are "migrants" so in the eyes of the state system, they have lost all rights, they cease to have the right to be treated like human beings. We cannot tolerate this state persecution any longer, we can't stand by and watch people being treated in this way, or we are complicit.
        Remember not so long ago the fire that destroyed the vastly overcrowded Moria migrants camp on Lesbos, and left 13,000 extremely vulnerable individuals and families sleeping in streets and waste land, without any real support. no human should be treated in this way. However we don't have to look to the other side of Europe to find these state perpetrated inhumanities, we have them right here in the UK, one of the richest countries in the world. One being the Napier Barracks in Kent, recently partially destroyed by fire. We should know by now, that the state will always see the "foreigner" as something to be suspicious of and to fear, it will always claim its borders are sacred and must not be crossed without their blessing. All borders must fall for a free and civilised society.
      Can you imagine the building you live in burning down and everyone being rushed outside with sirens and smoke everywhere? It sounds frightening, but what would you expect to happen next?

     What you wouldn’t expect is for everyone to be told to go back inside, but all the lights and the heating are turned off so it’s cold and dark. And as the night goes on it gets colder. But all the staff have been evacuated so only residents are left alone, with no information or care. Many have Covid and are very sick.
     There are people left outside as one of the buildings is unusable after the fire. No one has done anything to help these people so you self-organize to share your bedrooms with them, although you have no spare bedding and it’s freezing with no heating…Some men are refusing to sleep indoors and are outside in freezing temperatures in sleeping bags…
      Dozens staged a protest at the gates of the barracks, shouting “freedom” and hoisting banners
      One refugee told : The situation at Camp Folkestone is very bad He said: We wait in line for hours. We are in a prison and one room that sleeps 40 people.
     There is no food or drink at all. Because the people who are supposed to look after you have done nothing. The police bring in and in a riot vans.. As there is no one else. You have to use your torch to see.
       One of the people who are sick turns bad so we you ask to phone an ambulance….

Solidarity with the immigrant’s and refugees Destroy borders and nations States they are the real criminal’s !
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Your Data.

       In my enthusiastic drive to get people to flee from the data syphoning "Whats app" part of the Facebook family, I post this info from NordVPN giving comparisons between the various messaging app's available. Signal me when you have joined.
      Read the full article HERE:
#1 Signal

       Handles group chats, SMS, voice, video, documents and picture messages
Offers disappearing messages (with a timer)
Signal protocol
Open source
Doesn’t store user data or metadata
Advocated by Edward Snowden
Needs a phone number to register
      Signal is the overall winner for both iOS and Android users. Signal created an encryption protocol that is now recognized as the most secure messaging app protocol out there. It offers everything most users need – SMS, video and voice calls, group chats, file sharing, disappearing messages, etc – without stuffing the app with ads and collecting user data. It’s also an open source platform so anyone can check it for vulnerabilities (though no one has discovered any yet). Even Edward Snowden, the (in)famous NSA whistleblower, endorsed this app.
       The only flaw we found is that you can’t use the app anonymously and need at least your phone number to register. However, we still think it’s the perfect choice for the average user. 

        There is also a much lesser know, message app that rates very highly by security freaks, but costs to join Threema. 
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New Depths.

        Governments have always been corrupt, they have always favoured the wealthy and powerful, at the expense of the general public. However as the wealth of the super rich grows at an alarming rate, so the corruption in the governments that serve them also grows at an equally alarming rate. This phenomena is world wide, but here in the UK we have seen it reach new depths of greed and favouritism.

       The present UK government lead by that bumbling but extremely dangerous buffoon, Boris, has plumbed ever greater depth of corruption, cronyism and gross disregard for the lives of the people. They have presided over more than 102,000 deaths from Covid19, among the highest deaths in the world, not all this was down to ineptitude, though that was their in bucketfuls, a large part was due to, their desire to grease the palms of their friends by throwing billions of pounds of tax payers money at them in the form of non-tendered contracts, and calling it an emergency, and working hard to get you all out their spending, irrespective of the danger to your health and welfare, so that their friends wouldn't lose too much money. This emergency situation also allowed them to carry out another of their heartfelt dreams, slicing off large section of the NHS to large corporate companies, no doubt lots of them and/or their friends, have shares in these same companies. 
       This is how governments work, those how still believe that you can solve society's emergencies and society's inequality, injustice and all the malaise that comes with these conditions, by voting for this colour or that colour of party, should take a long hard look at our history, and a thorough examination of the goings on of the present regime. Over the centuries it has always been a new smiling face, to lead us to paradise, but we end up as usual with the same shit and still being shafted by the rich and powerful, as we allow them to hold the reins. 

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Saturday 30 January 2021

New Order.

           Capitalism is rapidly evolving, if that's the right word, being redesigned, would be a more accurate term, think Davos, that exclusive club for the rich and powerful. We are seeing the emergence of of a new world order of lords and serfs. More and more of the world's resources are being sewn up in the hands of fewer and fewer individuals, the billionaire class. The small ratbag of billionaires that control the corporate/financial world now shape the policies and direction of the various states. The states have become the managers of society for the benefit of the new billionaire lords of the world Manor. The state, once seen as some sort of guardian and manager of the people's resources, is being, willingly, denuded of all resources, and will be the policing apparatus of the population, to control it for the benefit of the corporate/financial billionaire class.
          The world's resources will be firmly in the hands of the small band of corporate/financial billionaires, the term public ownership is a word that will be destined for the dustbin of history. Of course there will be handouts to placate the population, to dampen discontent, they will be society's paracetamol, to make you feel better but having no effect on your real problems. The serfs will be used as needed, to keep the gushers of wealth flowing in the direction of their masters, then discarded when no longer needed, those who can't be used by the new corporate serfdom, will have to get by as best they can. It will be a totally privately owned world,

        The entire process is being accelerated by the present Covid19 pandemic. This is being used by the state to put in place population control systems, helping to mould a subservient population, necessary for the formation of this billionaire privately owned world. I don't see this as a conspiracy theory, more a grabbing of the opportunity by those that are driving this new corporate/financial state managed world

        We must see every restriction on our movements and activities, no matter how necessary they seem at the moment, as something we must fight hard and determinedly to have removed as we see them as no longer required. Every dictate, command, directive from the state must be questioned and abandoned when we see it as no longer necessary, public ownership must be fought for at ever turn. we mustn't allow the world and its resources to become the private property of a small power hunger group of billionaires. Our freedoms are being restricted on a daily basis, there may be an argument, to a degree, for that at the moment, but they must never become the norm, even in a watered down version. Otherwise we abandon our world to the manipulative, greedy, power hungry, profit seeking billionaire control freaks. An extremely powerful and dangerous group, with their own agenda to enhance their power, wealth, control and privileges.
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Friday 29 January 2021

Prying Eyes.

           I know I keep blaabing on about moving away from the big tec giants and their messaging system, and I throw up suggestions in the hope that those better versed in the technical side of these things than I, can throw some light on what I post. I think it is very important that we get out of the grips of these gigantic all powerful data syphoning machines and their tracking endeavours. They have the power to, and will, close down all that they don't want to receive any publicity. They are not on our side, they work for the status-quo and the corporate world. 

         I previously mentioned Signal as an alternative to the Facebook-twitter messaging brigade, I still think it is a great alternative. The more knowledgeable could point out the pros and cons.
        Browsers are another arm of the big-brother brigade, sucking up your data and tracking you on the internet for commercial purpose, but data that can also be used by the various state organisations. 

        The Brave browser seems to be an interesting alternative. Again I await the verdict of the more knowledgable than myself.
       Sooner or later we are going to have to choose, if we wish to have freedom of expression and be free from the prying censoring eyes of the big tec giants, who are one of the guardians of the state/corporate world of power, wealth and privileges for the few. 

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