Showing posts with label Davos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Davos. Show all posts

Saturday 30 January 2021

New Order.

           Capitalism is rapidly evolving, if that's the right word, being redesigned, would be a more accurate term, think Davos, that exclusive club for the rich and powerful. We are seeing the emergence of of a new world order of lords and serfs. More and more of the world's resources are being sewn up in the hands of fewer and fewer individuals, the billionaire class. The small ratbag of billionaires that control the corporate/financial world now shape the policies and direction of the various states. The states have become the managers of society for the benefit of the new billionaire lords of the world Manor. The state, once seen as some sort of guardian and manager of the people's resources, is being, willingly, denuded of all resources, and will be the policing apparatus of the population, to control it for the benefit of the corporate/financial billionaire class.
          The world's resources will be firmly in the hands of the small band of corporate/financial billionaires, the term public ownership is a word that will be destined for the dustbin of history. Of course there will be handouts to placate the population, to dampen discontent, they will be society's paracetamol, to make you feel better but having no effect on your real problems. The serfs will be used as needed, to keep the gushers of wealth flowing in the direction of their masters, then discarded when no longer needed, those who can't be used by the new corporate serfdom, will have to get by as best they can. It will be a totally privately owned world,

        The entire process is being accelerated by the present Covid19 pandemic. This is being used by the state to put in place population control systems, helping to mould a subservient population, necessary for the formation of this billionaire privately owned world. I don't see this as a conspiracy theory, more a grabbing of the opportunity by those that are driving this new corporate/financial state managed world

        We must see every restriction on our movements and activities, no matter how necessary they seem at the moment, as something we must fight hard and determinedly to have removed as we see them as no longer required. Every dictate, command, directive from the state must be questioned and abandoned when we see it as no longer necessary, public ownership must be fought for at ever turn. we mustn't allow the world and its resources to become the private property of a small power hunger group of billionaires. Our freedoms are being restricted on a daily basis, there may be an argument, to a degree, for that at the moment, but they must never become the norm, even in a watered down version. Otherwise we abandon our world to the manipulative, greedy, power hungry, profit seeking billionaire control freaks. An extremely powerful and dangerous group, with their own agenda to enhance their power, wealth, control and privileges.
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Monday 5 October 2020


          In this cesspool of an economic system, organised and managed by corrupt and repressive state apparatus, to cross, uninvited, one of their imaginary lines called borders, places you in the category of a no-human, a being devoid of rights, driven to live in the margins, to be invisible just to survive, or end up in one of the thousands of concentration camps dotted around the world. There you will be brutalised, devoid of basic rights, hygiene and health care, cramped into grossly overcrowded conditions, subject to arbitrary beatings. Because of the human desire for decency and freedom, these conditions inevitably lead to drastic measures by the imprisoned, in an attempt to end their pain and anguish. Hence the burning of the Moria concentration camp on the island of Lesbos, and similar actions in other camps across the globe. Desperate actions to try and alleviate desperate conditions.
      If only we the ordinary people were as well organised as our exploiters and oppressors, you have to hand it to them, they come together, discuss and organise and then ruthlessly carry out their grand plans. You have the World Bank, the IMF, Davos World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, then you have their International Arms Fairs where all and sundry of the power club come together to display their latest means of control and domination and offer them to the highest bidder. Then you have these imaginary lines called borders to be taken care of, so the experts on surveillance and border control mechanisms, all come together to discuss how they can tighten the controls of those imaginary lines, this year there will be one of these meetings of authoritarians in Athens, 24th.-26th. November. If we organised as they do, we would win hands down, as there are much more of us than there is of them, we could destroy this brutal insanity of a system and replace it with fairness, justice, freedom and sustainability, freed from the shackles of profit, endless wars, borders and the illusion of perpetual growth creating a structure that sees to the needs of all our people. Let's try.

The following from Act For Freedom Now:

Poster spread in Athens in Greek & English
 Camps are for burning…
           Inhabitants of the Moria refugee hell on the Island of Lesbos recently gave the most honest and firm response to the war that is waged against them by the European states. Arson within the camp caused two nights of fires finally leading to its total destruction. Faced with prison conditions some chose for a direct and non-negotiated attack. In Moria a completely unbearable situation was all these years imposed as normality by those in power. Intimidation was part of its management.
         Administrative blackmail was part of its management. Beatings were part of its management. Humiliation was part of its management. Starvation was part of its management. The refugee camp of Moria continuously showed us the uncovered face of the system we are all living in.
       Reminding us in harsh ways that people become dispensable once they are declared enemies by domination, unwanted by the ruling logic.

The merchants of misery work around the corner

        But in this society the loss of one is the other’s gain. Border control is key in the organization of a society which is based on exploitation and oppression. This control needs to be under constant development to retain some effectiveness. But who is doing this, how and where? A good example is an upcoming conference on the 24th till the 26th of November in the Divani Caravel hotel in Athens (
         National and international politicians, high placed representatives of different policing institutions, but also business leaders of the security industry come together to discuss the advancement of the border control complex, of identification and registration, imprisonment and deportation. These are the merchants of misery, building their careers on the backs of imprisoned refugees everywhere, of those hunted and shot against the unwanted. Let us sabotage this gathering and those who participate in it, in all the ways and moments we see fit, using our creativity and determination as our compass.
        Because the fires that were lit in Moria light up our spirits and inspire our actions.

… Down with all borders!

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Thursday 24 September 2020


      A lot of the talk at this years Davos wealthy get-together of the world's best exploiters, was of the opportunity to hit the capitalist "re-set" button. This was couched in language such as stakeholder society, greater equality and other double speak to get public money to re-finance the ailing capitalist system. Of course emphasising the need for private enterprise to be there "every step of the way".
        Read for your self and see whether you believe that these pampered privileged billionaires are eager to share their ill gotten gains in a more equitable fashion, making sure you get a fair share of the goodies. Pigs can fly and ducks eat elephants. They are fully aware that the capitalist system is in dire straights and approaching a systemic collapse, it needs to be refinanced urgently and public money is all that is left to bolster their wealth, power and privileges. So hit the "re-set" button and structure capitalism so that it gets the lions share of all public assets, if not all. Dress it up in fine words and platitudes, make it sound fair, but paint a cesspool to look like a mansion, it's still a cesspool. Capitalism can't be re-imagined into into a fair and equitable system, it is a system of exploitation, its very existence requires that we, the ordinary people, are units to earn wealth for the owners and mangers of the system. The only real method of turning it into an equitable system is first destroy it completely, and then get our heads together and create a new design based on the welfare of all our people and sustainability. We hold the plan in our hearts, let's start to put it into action.

----Likewise, populations have overwhelmingly shown a willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of health-care and other essential workers and vulnerable populations, such as the elderly. And many companies have stepped up to support their workers, customers, and local communities, in a shift toward the kind of stakeholder capitalism to which they had previously paid lip service.
        Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist. We must use it to secure the Great Reset that we so badly need. That will require stronger and more effective governments, though this does not imply an ideological push for bigger ones. And it will demand private-sector engagement every step of the way.----

Read the full article HERE: 

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Thursday 18 July 2019

Two Exclusive Clubs That Control Our Lives.

         Two groups that don't get much publicity but wield tremendous power over all of our lives. In plush hotels and marble corridors behind closed doors they shape the world to their advantage, carving up their plunder and driving towards ever greater monopolization, to the detriment of all of us, the ordinary people. 
      These two groups are populated by some of the most powerful people on the planet, and despite the fact that they shape our world, they are not voted there by you and me.
      The two groups are the Bilderberg Group, and the World Economic Form, (Wikipedia:
   The Transnational Institute describes the World Economic Forum's main purpose as being "to function as a socializing institution for the emerging global elite, globalization's "Mafiocracy" of bankers, industrialists, oligarchs, technocrats and politicians. They promote common ideas, and serve common interests: their own."[65] In combination with the self-styled International Organization pretensions, has led to the citing of the informal motto "the NGO of the status quo".
      A study, published in the Journal of Consumer Research, investigated the sociological impact of the WEF. It concluded that the WEF do not solve issues such as poverty, global warming, chronic illness, or debt. They have simply shifted the burden for the solution of these problems from governments and business to "responsible consumers subjects: the green consumer, the health-conscious consumer, and the financially literate consumer." They merely reframe the issues, and by so doing perpetuate them. Al Gore is singled out as a prime example. Gore's speeches deliberately shift focus away from the problems of unregulated markets and corporate activities to one of moral pathologies, individual greed, etc. In doing so he is actually promoting the creation of new markets, and hence perpetuating the same old problems in a new guise. New markets will follow the same patterns as the old ones because the core problem of corporate governance is never addressed.[66]
          A couple of extracts from an article that throws some light on their aims and activities.
       These quotes from Tarcoteca counterinfo: 
     What is in common between the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg Club?

          The World Forum Economic WEF held annually in Davos is the world's most important economic meeting. The Forum is made up of 1,000 corporations and companies. Among them, those who organize the event are 200 known as Industrial Partners, being 100 and only 100 selected corporations the Strategic Partners, corporations responsible to mark the annual and general objectives for the remaining 1000.
        The Bilderberg Club is an exclusive club that meets annually to no more than 150 political careerists, business, military and university professors representing corporations and most powerful states of the West.
       The goals of both organizations are basically the same: unifying political objectives, market sharing, organizing global cartels and monopolies and enhance their synergy. Also members of both repeated insistently. So a question must be asked, what is the relationship between them?

      The World Economic Forum WEF was founded in 1972 as what could be considered a great Club with a very unique Convenction, the largest informal gathering of entrepreneur, politicians and military in the world. Operational management is carried out by the companies themselves through the Schwab Foundation.
        In 1000 companies Members only 200 are the organizers, and just 100 are the one who set the programs and plans. Corporations acquire membership by status, divided into three castes. In 2014:
      - Strategic Partners, setting the general and annual targets, are 100 corporations of which all but one are also Industrial WEF Members
     - Industry Partners are corporations organized industrial monopolies and cartels, price fixing and territorial spread . There are 200 corporations.
       - Members of the Forum are about 1000 companies, under the umbrella, protection and in close collaboration with Industrial partners. Are organized in cartels waiting to be absorbed by the monopolistic Industrial Members.
      There are more than 2500 guests from corporations and individuals, such as politicians, journalists, military cupula, high priests, celebrities, spot stars, NGOs ... anyone with particular interest for the Forum are allowed to participate.

FEM: The Bilderberg Club Project

       In 1973 members of the exclusive Bilderberg Club, founded in 1953, set in motion a plan to expand its area of action and influence without increasing the number of members, which means increasing the number of monopolies among which should distribute the markets.
      The Forum allows direct contact to companies of their own industrial sectors, closing thousands of agreements, both commercial contracts as political. The results are better than expected, the Forum remains the global market under control, manipulated, and provides fresh meat in the form of easily absorbed young companies.
      Local industries, heirs of national oligarchies, room with transnational corporations spread until its absorption.
         The formal part of the Forum is filled with the usual meaningless media circus, necessary to divert attention from the real purpose of the meeting: organizing international cartels, signing contracts, concerting on prices and buying companies with monopolistic purposes.

We are at war!

The fascist forces organized around its banks continue with their plans to raze and predate the world, and us within!

We now have the tools to get rid of their yoke. Let’s use them!

Organize the Assemblies! For the Libertarian Communism!

Join the Resistance, contact your local groups!
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Friday 25 January 2019

ISDS, No Friendly Society.

        ISDS, a rather innocuous seeming acronym, some may no doubt connect it with International Sheep Dog Society. However, it has another more sinister and undemocratic association connected to the corporate juggernaut and the financial Mafia, that's where the initials stand for Investment-State Dispute Settlement. This is a neat piece of legislation that allows companies to sue governments if the feel that that government has passed legislation that could harm its profits. Supposing a government passes some health and safety regulations and a large company thinks it could harm its profits, it can then sue that government and claim millions/billions in compensation, tax payers money of course.
      Here are some recent cases from Politico:
         In 2011, Australia introduced some of the world’s toughest legislation on tobacco packaging. It obliged manufacturers to remove all branding and sell cigarettes from plain brown packs dominated with grisly health warnings.
       Tobacco companies attempted but failed to overturn the legislation in Australian courts. Then Philip Morris tried another tack. It unearthed an ISDS clause in a 1993 trade agreement between Australia and Hong Kong — where Philip Morris Asia is based — and sued the Australian government.
          The case is still pending, but Australian media estimate taxpayers are having to fork out the equivalent of €34 million in lawyers fees for just the first phase of the litigation.
           In Europe, Swedish energy company Vattenfall is seeking €5 billion compensation from the  German government over its decision to phase out nuclear power following the 2011 Fukushima radiation leak in Japan.
         Canada’s Lone Pine Resources Company is using a U.S. subsidiary to sue its own government for $230 million under ISDS provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). That’s in response to a provincial authority in Quebec calling a moratorium on fracking for natural gas under the St. Lawrence River.
Such cases help explain mounting concern among the public and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic over ISDS provisions in the TTIP negotiations.
         Emotions are particularly strong in Europe, where there’s already widespread unease in some countries over the impact TTIP could have in areas ranging from privacy to labor laws and genetically modified organisms.
Read the full article HERE: 

         More on this pampered, privileged parasites' plan to run roughshod over the health and welfare of the people in their greed fest for profit.
From Roar Magazine:
        Over forty of the corporations listed as WEF “Industry Partners” have been involved in ISDS cases, often intended to undermine or discourage progressive policy, including environmental protections, minimum-wage increases and public health measures.
      ISDS clauses, found within a range of trade and investment agreements including the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), enable multinational companies to sue states via secretive international tribunals if governments take actions which they believe unfairly impede their profits.
       The Stop ISDS coalition, an alliance of over a hundred NGOs, including Greenpeace, ActionAid and Public Services International organized the action as a launch for a petition to the European Union to end the promotion of ISDS and support a Binding UN Treaty on Transnational Corporations to give people and governments the ability to hold the private sector to account.
      Some examples of ISDS cases by WEF corporations include:
  • Cargill sued Mexico in 2005 after the Government implemented a tax on high-fructose corn syrup to address the country’s obesity crisis. Cargill used ISDS under Nafta to extract over $70 million in damages from Mexico’s public budget. Cargill used the WEF in 2018 to launch a Corporate Social Responsibility project, claiming to “address social issues using the power of food.”
  • In 2015, Novartis threatened to use ISDS to successfully discourage the Colombian government from making a life-saving leukemia drug more accessible through compulsory licensing. The drug, which has brought in over €40 billion in revenue for Novartis, sold for over $15,000 per patient per year; twice the average person’s income.
  • In 2008, Dow Chemical sued Canada after Quebec banned the manufacture and sale of harmful pesticides. Dow Agrosciences declared the subsequent settlement a victory, and commentators noted the case may discourage other Governments from moving ahead with their own pesticide bans.
Read the full article HERE:
       So this is how capitalism works, profit above all else, health and welfare, living conditions, etc. don't even appear on the list of priorities of the corporate juggernaut and the financial Mafia. If you rely on governments to sort this one out, you'll have a long wait, governments rely on these bodies and have little to no power over them, and these bodies use governments to protect their interests. It is a relationship that excludes the people, their aims and desires.
      To see to the needs of all our people in a fair and just society, first dismantle capitalism, then work from there.
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Thursday 22 January 2015

If Davos Was A Toilet???

     Two days to go until the world's richest parasites gather to discuss how best to get fatter, how best to milk the system harder, how best to increase their pilfering of the earth's resources, all for their own greed and gratification. Yes, it's banquet time for the plunderers of the planet, it's Davos time, World Economic Forum time.
       On the 24th. January they will come from all over the world, to lavish in resplendent pomp and wealth, the powerful corporate moguls, the billionaires, the pampered parasites of industry, representatives of the financial Mafia, the two-faced political pundits, the heads of state, all members of that putrid mass that feeds of the backs of the ordinary people. We are expected to believe that they are indulging in this frenzy of pleasure, all for our benefit, we are supposed to believe that they are wrestling with such problems as how best to eradicate poverty, how best to share their ill-gotten wealth with the ordinary people.
      Of course if you believe that, then you probably still believe in Santa Claus. What the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, will spew out about this four Michelin star festival of indulgence, will be the usual pattern of myths, illusions, and down right lies. We will be told that between the clinking of the champaign glasses, they will be trying to sort out the inequalities in this world. When in fact all they will be doing is trying to smooth out any obstacles in their path to further exploitation of the planet and its people.
     It would be wonderful if we could, for one glorious day, turn Davos into one large toilet, then we could flush them all down the toilet in one historic moment for humanity, and the world would be a much fresher smelling place. 
     This week, 1,500 business leaders and 40 heads of state are meeting in Davos, Switzerland, for the annual World Economic Forum. They will be discussing how big business can help improve the state of the world – in their own best interests.
      The rhetoric from Davos is so deeply engrained in society that it can be difficult to challenge the power that they hold. Our new series of interactive infographics exposes seven myths that exist to perpetuate injustice and poverty across the world - find out who is really getting richer; who the real scroungers are; and how Africa is really the one aiding us.

     The world will not be saved a tiny group of the super-rich. Hope lies in challenging the power and wealth of this small elite and the orthodoxy of neoliberalism. By working with social movements around the world another world is possible.
     At Global Justice Now we are campaigning for a world where resources are controlled by the many and not the few. And the first step to do this is to debunk the myth that big business is the solution to all our problems.
Best wishes,
Alex Scrivener,
Global Justice Now
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Friday 1 February 2013


        Reading an article on the corporate world's planning session, the Davos luxury get-together, there was one paragraph that to me, said it all. My emphasis added.
      The sage view is Europe has only two options, neither good: a huge destruction of wealth, the like of which has not been seen for 70 years; or spreading the burden of the debt workout across the people of Europe, flattening growth for a decade, at least. Everybody knows Europe needs growth to get out of its financial pickle. Yet EU action to date shows the priority is to improve the bureaucratic structure that got it into this mess - an unworkable monetary system - not action to restore growth.
      As we see the pattern of brutal austerity unfold across European countries it becomes obvious which policy is being followed. The financial Mafia have no intention of solving their debt crisis by paying for it by "a huge destruction of wealth", they will compel their puppets, the state governments, to recoup their losses from the public, by massive slashing of social spending, lowering wages and destroying pensions. 
    When they talk of a financial crisis they are being honest, it is a crisis for them, of their own making, and they are damned sure that you and I are going to pay for it, not them.
     Their is nothing inevitable about about what is happening in Europe, it is a political decision taken by the rich and greed to protect their own personal wealth at the expense of you and I. We produce all the wealth in the world, the corporate world and financial Mafia plunder it, they indulge in an irrational wild greed driven gambling frenzy, and when it appears they have lost, they come back to plunder us some more. I'm sure you have the imagination to think of a fairer and more sane way to look after the wealth that you and I produce!!

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 23 January 2013


      It is that time again, Davos, The World Economic Forum, a gathering of the main corporate Mafia members and their minders. This is where and when the corporate Mafia sit down and tell their minders, the national governments, how they want things to be done, how they want things to be structured to enhance their wealth and power and to protect these from any poisonous ideas about benefiting the people.
      It is no small party, there are some 2655 individuals on the official list, among them there will be billionaires and royalty, though I don't think there will be anybody from your street. Since this is all about the corporate mafia structuring the world to suit big business, they will form the largest group, 65% from the corporate world, while 25% of the total attendees will be made up of CEO. Others will be public officials just over 18% and those learned men from academia accounting for almost 7%. Sorry, nobody from your community centre. It may be the World Economic Forum, but according to them, you ain't in it.
     With people like our millionaire Osborne and his Bullingdon Club chum Boris Johnson in attendance, don't expect anything in your favour to come out of this lavish nosh-up. There is another name in attendance, that makes your blood creep, though he will be at home in that company, our very own home grown messianic Tony Blair. He certainly carved a very lucrative patch for himself. I suppose it's his reward for faithfully serving the corporate Mafia, through other people's blood, sweat and tears.
      This gathering is where government policies are sorted out, this is where the direction governments take will be laid down. Forget all this nonsense about elections and party manifestos, they are just the smoke and mirrors of the system. Decisions on your life are taken on high, in the rarefied atmosphere of the marble halls of power. The "representative democracy" is the charade that is there to keep the public feeling they are involved. The corporate world lays down its agenda, governments comply, that's corporate capitalism.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 17 January 2013


        I suppose you still remember those ConDem millionaires spouting how they would protect the NHS? Well they are working hard at making sure it becomes International Health Services, PLC. The big corporate greed merchants are all lined up waiting for that little extra perk from their millionaire friends in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, they want tax relief for companies buying up the NHS. They believe that we the public should pay for the privilege of letting the blood sucking corporate beast make millions from our sick and elderly. Recently Paul Polman, chief executive Officer of Unilever, the world's third-largest consumer goods company, stated,“The structural changes that need to be made for society still haven’t been made," he says. "There has been a growing realisation that our present model of growth, while it has served us well for a long time, certainly has enormous shortcomings which are increasingly transparent." “Individuals need to get used to lower pensions and welfare payments.(my emphases added) Government needs to get used to lower spending levels, businesses need to get used to the costs that come with it and bear their part. Everybody has to chip in. People are realising in the West that our model is not a sustainable model.”
      I love that bit, "Everybody has to chip in", we, the public, take a massive cut in our living standards, see our pensions evaporate like early morning mist in the sun, stand idly by as our social services become a commodity to be purchased from Fatcat Incorporated, buy our health care from FastBuck Ltd. then send our elderly to LastChanceSaloon, PLC. This is their idea of how to encourage growth, growth for who? Well it is obvious that the only growth to come from such a blood sucking idea will be in the bank accounts of the parasite shareholders, bank accounts that will no doubt be shuffled off to some sunny little tax haven. 
     This is the millionaire ConDem way of protecting our NHS, making sure it becomes the biggest money spinner their millionaire corporate friends have seen in their lifetime. The biggest rip-off they have managed to engineer in generations. All the health care you could possibly wish for at a price and if you can't manage the price, well see some back street shady practitioner who'll do it on the cheap for you. It's market forces in health, just as you can by cheap shoes or expensive shoes, so you will be able to buy cheap health care or if you're lucky the better article, expensive health care.  

ann arky's home.

Thursday 10 January 2013


       It is important for us to realise this, "economic downturn" that we are experiencing is not a national problem, it is an international problem. The powers that be, the corporate world, realise this, and organise accordingly, drawing on international resources to shape the outcome to their desires. We have to do likewise, we have to join hands across borders and co-ordinate our struggle, drawing on the limitless energy, imagination and ingenuity of the world's ordinary people. This is the force that must shape the world's economic systems so fulfilling the desires of the ordinary people. We cannot leave it to the greed merchants of the corporate world to create further inequalities in their drive to increase their wealth and power. We have had their capitalist world for centuries now, and the result is poverty and starvation on a scale never known before, wars across the globe on a scale of brutality and ferociousness never witnessed before. We have a range of inequality that has never existed before, with individuals possessing enough wealth to destroy the social fabric of a country. Such a system governed by the unimaginably wealthy can never be in the interests of of the majority of the people. It is not designed for that purpose, its primary function is to create greater wealth in the hands of those with the most wealth. It will strive to protect and increase that wealth at the expense of the environment and the people. So far, as far as the economic system is concerned, it has been functioning well, with fewer and fewer people controlling more and more of the earth's wealth and resources. Is that what we want to continue for our children and our grandchildren? Or do we envisage an alternative of justice, equality, co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability? 

Davos elites warn of "perfect global storm" threat

      Listening to the ConDems lecturing the low-waged and unemployed about “fairness” as they cut their state benefits when measured against inflation, reinforces the view of a government at war with ordinary people while protecting the rich and powerful.
     The policy adds weight to the contents of the latest edition of Global Risks, which the World Economic Forum produces each year before the world’s ruling elites gather at Davos to try and reshape the world in their image.
      At the centre of its concerns are the prospects of loss of confidence in government leadership and the threat of increasing unrest as inequality widens. With the ConDems held in contempt by large sections in society, and Labour presenting itself as Coalition Lite, the WEF is right to be concerned.
   The report was published on the day that European Union joblessness reached a new record high. Youth unemployment in Spain has passed 56%. No wonder Global Risks says that a eurozone meltdown cannot be ruled out.
    The report is a 80-page crystallisation of responses from “1,000 experts from industry, government, academia and civil society who were asked to review a landscape of 50 global risks”. Presented in the language of systems theory, the results are sobering:
     "Continued stress on the global economic system is positioned to absorb the attention of leaders for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, the Earth’s environmental system is simultaneously coming under increasing stress. Future simultaneous shocks to both systems could trigger the ‘perfect global storm’, with potentially insurmountable consequences."
Read the full article HERE:

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