Tuesday 1 June 2021

Keelie 19.

           Yes, it's that time again,the latest Glasgow Keelie is out for your perusal. Glasgow Keelie19, like the previous issues is jammed packed with info on what is happening, with coverage of the "Battle of Kenmure Street", Glasgow residents' stand against immigration authorities with their snatch van, and the release of two humans who were about to be carted off like livestock to some detention centre. The authorities sneaky raid was foiled by the mass support of locals and other supporters form around Glasgow. This and much more all there, free, for your info and pleasure. Spread far and wide.

 Read the Glasgow Keelie 19 HERE


Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info

Sunday 30 May 2021


         So the people rise up, the government falls, what next? A sudden rush of "new" parties, a flood of new leaders eager to fill the vacuum, and set up a shiny new democratic representative system, which will be a bold new step back to the old world in new clothing. Or do the autonomous groups with their leaderless direct action ideology fight on to establish the community based horizontalism that will herald in a new world that brings freedom, justice and equality to all, a problem facing Chile at the moment.

The following extract from Crimethinc:

           On the weekend of May 15-16, 2021, voters across Chile chose delegates to attend the convention that will compose a new constitution for the country. The right wing was soundly defeated in these elections, but no institutional left party gained a majority, either. The corporate media are heralding this as a victory for “independent” politics—but what will this mean for the autonomous movements that gave the left politicians momentum in the first place? In the following analysis, our correspondent in Chile explores the irreconcilable tension between the politics of representation and the politics of direct action.

Continue Reading HERE:


Saturday 29 May 2021


     When the people take on the state in an attempt to bring justice and freedom to the ordinary people, they should have no doubt the extent the state will go to, to suppress that drive for justice and freedom. Recent examples are Myanmar, Belarus, and ongoing in Colombia. At the moment the people of Colombia have been in constant revolt for months now, and the cost to the ordinary people is a sickening toll of death, torture, disappearances. These incidences should be warnings to the people of what to expect from their particular state apparatus should they decided they have had enough of its authoritarianism, corruption, injustice and inequality. The end of the state system will be a blood bath not a bubble bath, but it is the only road to freedom and justice for the ordinary people.

The following from Crimethinc: 

‘Colombia cries but does not surrender.’ Photo: Misión Verdad

May 27 — Jhon Erik Larrahondo, 21, of Cali. Alison Meléndez, 17, of Popayán. Camilo Arango, 19, of Tuluá.

        These are but a few of more than 60 victims confirmed dead of government terrorism against protesters by the U.S.-armed and funded Colombian Armed Forces, police and death squads since the national uprising against the regime of President Ivan Duque began on April 28.
      Thousands have been arrested. Hundreds more have “disappeared” — and bodies have begun to turn up, washed up on the banks of rivers and buried in hastily-dug mass graves.
      Colombia is called the Israel of Latin America, and like its counterpart in West Asia, the country’s brutal capitalist rulers loyally serve their masters in Washington, D.C. Colombia is a member of the U.S.-dominated NATO military alliance — the only one in Latin America.
      The elite Mobile Anti-Riot Squad (ESMAD) of the Colombian National Police — established on the initiative of U.S. President Bill Clinton in 1999 to repress leftist movements — is carrying out murders, police brutality, sexual assaults, and, in the style of its Israeli Defense Force trainers, has blinded numerous protesters with shots to the eyes.
       In Cali, the epicenter of state violence, a warehouse owned by the Éxito Supermarket chain stands revealed as a bloody torture center. “When human rights organizations were finally able to enter to do oversight, they found pools of blood in the underground parking lots, blood even on electrical appliances in the warehouse, a nauseating smell. And they were totally prevented from visiting one of the floors of the parking lot,” according to reports compiled by Resumen Latinamericano.
        “For two days, live protesters were brought to this shopping center, families and the community denounced in anguish, shouts were heard, repressive forces and garbage trucks circulated incessantly.” As of May 23, more than 200 people have disappeared in Cali alone.
        In a statement demanding an end to the disappearances, the Legal and Humanitarian Team of the Inter-Church Justice and Peace Commission reported: “Since May 14, the first reports of the existence of mass graves were known in the rural area of ​​the municipalities of Buga and Yumbo, where [the police] would take the bodies of many young people from Cali.”
        “Since the start of the strike, the Colombian State has kidnapped and disappeared more than 600 people,” Resumen reported. “Some of them have appeared floating in the Cauca River, others buried. In recent days the police have been increasing the practice of enforced disappearance, taking away protesters who then do not reappear.”
Duque, assassin!
          President Duque and the media label the protesters “terrorists,” even while his government draws out talks with some groups in the leadership of the national strike movement, including the National Unemployment Committee (CNP) and Central Union of Workers (CUT).
        Duque & Co. accuse Cuba and Venezuela, the FARC-EP and ELN guerrillas, even faraway Russia, of causing the uprising — anything, anyone but their own greedy, repressive policies that have left 42.5 percent of the people in poverty and a quarter unable to eat three meals a day, according to Colombia Informa.

Continue Reading:

Visit ann arky's home at https://radicalglasgow.me.uk   


        An appeal from comrades supporting those facing long prison sentences for resiting fascism, it may be happening in that part of the planet labelled Greece, but the fight against fascism has no borders, nor should our solidarity for comrades caught up in the state's judicial web of repression for carrying on the fight. Solidarity is our river that runs freely across the surface of the planet.

This from Act For Freedom Now:  

         The prosecutions for many people included felony-level charges. The judicial hearings have not finished yet for all the prosecuted people, as it’s still to take place the appeal court of some comrades who back then were over 18 years old, and they are judged with the relevant legal imposition. The amounts of money that need to be raised are nearly unaffordable, and the period of lock-down because of Covid-19 made even more difficult the procedure of collecting that money.

         This specific solidarity campaign is about collecting a relatively small mount of the total legal expenses for the appeal court, as the biggest part has already been collected. These legal expenses arise by the need for the legal defence of the prosecuted people in front of the trial chamber.

Solidarity campaign, appeal court for the anti-fascist demo at 17/9/2015 https://www.firefund.net/scafa<

Read the full article HERE:

Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info   

Thursday 27 May 2021

The Reckoning.

         In the light of the revelations by Dominic Cummings, erstwhile chief advisor to our Prime Minister, Bumbling Boris Johnson, on the state of governance during this pandemic, I thought it relevant to re-post an article I wrote back at the beginning of the year. Hearing Mr. Cummings state openly that Boris Johnson was not fit to be Prime Minister, that he resembled a supermarket trolley, not knowing which way to go, veering this way then that way, changing his mind 10 times a day, then contradicting himself in a media briefing. Matt Hancock, our Health Secretary should have be fired on numerous occasions, are really frightening statements. These are the people that shape our lives, but Mr Cummings is revealing no more that most of us with a grain of sense and observation skills were well aware of for some considerable time. The real crime here is the thousands of people who died unnecessarily, our friends, loved ones, family and neighbours. This cannot be ignored, there must be a reckoning and soon.

  Lest We Forget. Thursday 21st. January 2021.

            As the vaccine is rolled out, slower than their "target", and the lockdown dampens the spread of this pandemic, we should not forget the total ineptitude and blundering approach of the bumbling Boris brigade. We here in the UK have the fifth highest death rate in the world from the pandemic, we are not the fifth largest country in the world, We have the highest death rate per-capita in the world, this is no unavoidable accident. These results reflect the the way this pandemic was handled in this country and we should be getting prepared to hold to account those responsible for the extremely high death rate this country has suffered, one of the richest countries in the world.
           They can't claim they didn't know what was coming, other countries were ahead of us in this pandemic but managed it much more efficiently and humanely. Our Brexit buccaneers ignored warnings, ignored mounting evidence of what was staring them in the face. There focus was always on the "economy", billions of pounds being thrown at large corporations, opening up the economy to get tills ringing again, in favour of their rich and greedy buddies.
          Their actions make them culpable in the mass deaths of thousands of our friends, family and loved ones, they must be held to account. There must be no hurrah and galloping back to "normal", if and when we get on top of this pandemic. There must be a call for justice for those thousands who died because of the gross ineptitude of bumbling Boris and his Brexit buccaneers. We should never forget the past year or so, and its vast avoidable number of deaths, and we must extract justice, we owe it to those who died. 

Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info