Saturday 13 November 2021


           Living in Glasgow close to the Cop-Out-26 Carnival of Illusions it seems more phoney, the hypocrisy seems to scream louder, the waffle and the phoney platitudes much more brazen. If it was a comedy on TV we could laugh, but it was for real, the illusions were meant mesmerise you, instead they angered and baffled you. Now that is all over, the ballerinas will go home and carry on as before. So what are my simple thoughts on this bizarre extravaganza. Apart from the anger, which has increased, and a feeling of "I told you so", and a desire to shout louder, not much. Of course the planet will not dye just most of the life on it, including us weird and stupid humans.


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

New Life?

You my friend will you be the one to pluck the last flower
perhaps you’ll be the one to chop down that last tree
or maybe you will be the lonely one to eat the last fish
as you gaze in disbelief across a parched earth
though not a barren one
the planet will continue spinning on its journey
alive with millions of microbes and tiny insects
evolution will continue to develop
a new cycle of varied vibrant life
this time without it fiercest predator
the human species. 

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