Thursday, 10 March 2022

Our Enemy.


             So often many people are taking sides in this latest imperialist blood-letting, "nasty evil Russia" or bully "American imperialism". We would do well to remember that no matter the excuses raised for war, it is always the ordinary people who shed their blood and it is always the rich and powerful who reap the blood stained spoils. The only side we should take is against all states and borders, against all power groups of state/corporate plunders of the planet, we have no enemies among the ordinary people, our real enemy is the borders raised by the privileged, rich, powerful groups who shape the direction of society, all to enhance their already over privileged and powerful positions. When it comes to supporting a war, the motto of the ordinary people should be Non Serviam, I will not serve, that doesn't mean we should be apathetic and ignore the blood letting by the pampered privileged parasites of this world. We should direct our anger at the power mongers, the state apparatus and their bedfellows, the corporate world. We have no fight with teachers, bus drivers, farmers or lorry drivers, our fight must be with rich and powerful who foster and ferment wars and divisions between ordinary people of the world.   

The following from Act For Freedom Now.    

            The war has finally arrived. After two years of preparations for war, chants, flags, discipline, the «we are at war» announced since spring 2020 is finally real. The tragic news coming from Ukraine is the trigger they were seeking for the definitive militarization of our society.
           Wars are always a bloodbath for the exploited and profitable business for the bosses. We are not interested in the contrasting reasons of the propaganda made by the belligerents. The exploited in Russia as well as in Ukraine, Italy and the United States are our brothers, their blood is our blood. Governments, generals, businessmen, financiers are our enemies, our executioners, those who starve us.
The arrogant insatiable thirty-year old NATO expansion and Russia’s internal crisis were the mixture for the explosive situation which we find ourselves thrown
          On the one side, a long series of imperialistic precedents such as the bombardments in Serbia, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the support of criminal gangs such as those ruling Ukraine, where trade unionists are burnt alive; on the other, regimes such as Putin’s and Lukašenko’s, which hold together with the glue of encirclement paranoia and imperial nostalgia, where anarchists and opponents are arrested and tortured. In the face of all this filth no front is ours. Our enemies are not the exploited on the front, but all rulers, starting from those in our country.

Read the full article HERE: 

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