Showing posts with label spoils of war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spoils of war. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Our Enemy.


             So often many people are taking sides in this latest imperialist blood-letting, "nasty evil Russia" or bully "American imperialism". We would do well to remember that no matter the excuses raised for war, it is always the ordinary people who shed their blood and it is always the rich and powerful who reap the blood stained spoils. The only side we should take is against all states and borders, against all power groups of state/corporate plunders of the planet, we have no enemies among the ordinary people, our real enemy is the borders raised by the privileged, rich, powerful groups who shape the direction of society, all to enhance their already over privileged and powerful positions. When it comes to supporting a war, the motto of the ordinary people should be Non Serviam, I will not serve, that doesn't mean we should be apathetic and ignore the blood letting by the pampered privileged parasites of this world. We should direct our anger at the power mongers, the state apparatus and their bedfellows, the corporate world. We have no fight with teachers, bus drivers, farmers or lorry drivers, our fight must be with rich and powerful who foster and ferment wars and divisions between ordinary people of the world.   

The following from Act For Freedom Now.    

            The war has finally arrived. After two years of preparations for war, chants, flags, discipline, the «we are at war» announced since spring 2020 is finally real. The tragic news coming from Ukraine is the trigger they were seeking for the definitive militarization of our society.
           Wars are always a bloodbath for the exploited and profitable business for the bosses. We are not interested in the contrasting reasons of the propaganda made by the belligerents. The exploited in Russia as well as in Ukraine, Italy and the United States are our brothers, their blood is our blood. Governments, generals, businessmen, financiers are our enemies, our executioners, those who starve us.
The arrogant insatiable thirty-year old NATO expansion and Russia’s internal crisis were the mixture for the explosive situation which we find ourselves thrown
          On the one side, a long series of imperialistic precedents such as the bombardments in Serbia, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the support of criminal gangs such as those ruling Ukraine, where trade unionists are burnt alive; on the other, regimes such as Putin’s and Lukašenko’s, which hold together with the glue of encirclement paranoia and imperial nostalgia, where anarchists and opponents are arrested and tortured. In the face of all this filth no front is ours. Our enemies are not the exploited on the front, but all rulers, starting from those in our country.

Read the full article HERE: 

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Thursday, 16 June 2011




The following is an article by Sara Flounders for    International Action Center.

        Without presenting a shred of reliable evidence, NATO and International Criminal Court conspirators are charging the Libyan government with conspiracy to rape -- not only rape as the "collateral damage" of war, but rape as a political weapon.
This charge of an orchestrated future campaign of rapes was made at a major press conference called by the lead prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on June 8, 2011. The even wilder unsubstantiated ICC charge that Libya plans to mass distribute Viagra to its troops confirms this as the most tawdry and threadbare form of war propaganda.

          It is important to understand that NATO countries with the full complicity of the corporate media and the ICC are spreading this Big Lie in order to win support for and close down all opposition to a ground assault of Libya, something that would otherwise be unpopular both in Europe and the United States. This wild charge adds to the evidence of a massive escalation in bombing urban targets in Libya, the use of British and French helicopters that give close support to ground troops and the positioning in the Mediterranean off Libya of U.S. warships that can quickly land troops. The NATO alliance is desperate to put Libya beyond all discussion or defense and raise the NATO war to the level of a Holy Crusade to defend women.
         The charge of rape as a political weapon was spread -- without evidence -- against Serb forces to justify U.S. plans for the first NATO bombing campaign in the history of the military alliance in 1994 in Bosnia and was used again in 1999 in Serbia in the first NATO occupation. The rape charge was used to soften up the U.S. and European population for the criminal war against Yugoslavia. Now a similar plan is in the works for Libya.

        All too often widely fabricated lies are spread to justify imperialist wars. In 1991 the first war against Iraq was justified by outrageous charges that the Iraqi army had grabbed Kuwaiti babies from incubators and smashed the babies to the floor. This was presented as reliable “testimony” to in the U.S. Congress and in the UN. Months later it was confirmed as a total fabrication. But the lie had served its purpose. In 2001 the corporate media and U.S. politicians claimed that they had to bomb and then massively occupy Afghanistan to win rights for women that the Taliban taken away. The situation for women in Afghanistan and for the entire population has deteriorated further under U.S. / NATO occupation.

       Despite video and photo evidence that the entire world has seen through WikiLeaks, the International Criminal Court has never considered for a moment filing criminal charges against U.S. British, French or German troops. The pictures, videos and reports in major newspapers of sexual torture and humiliation at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq by U.S. soldiers, the testimony by the U.S. soldiers involved in rapes, tortures, mutilations and executions in Iraq and Afghanistan confirms the brutal reality of U.S. wars. These wars have never been to ‘save’ women.

      As an African country, Libya can hardly expect a fair hearing or any form of justice from the ICC. The International Criminal Court created with high hopes of international justice in 2002 has been used against 7 countries – all in Africa. Meanwhile, the ICC has never examined U.S. drone attacks on defenseless civilians in at least 8 African, Arab and South Asian countries. Nor has it even touched U.S. invasions and occupations. Israeli bombing of the Palestinian people is “off limits”.
        This is an essential time to remind all people concerned about the rights of women that U.S. intervention or any imperialist intervention has never protected women. Even women serving within the U.S. military machine are not “safe”. According to a study published by the Journal of Military Medicine, 71 per cent of women soldiers have been sexually assaulted or raped while serving in the U.S. military. Women who have been assaulted consistently report poor medical treatment, lack of counseling, incomplete criminal investigations and threats of punishment for reporting the assaults. In 2009 the Pentagon admitted that approximately 80 per cent of rapes are never reported – making it the most under-documented crime in the military. In addition U.S. military bases are all too often surrounded by an entire sex industry of abused women forced by hunger, dislocation and lost families into work in bars and clubs.
      Rape in every society has little connection to sexuality and desire. It has always been about imposing power and domination. The "political rape" charge in this case makes no sense and has no basis beyond the U.S.-NATO desire to justify expanding the war against Libya.

Stop U.S.-NATO intervention in Libya.

Saturday, 19 March 2011


      Britain boasts of being a peaceful nation but when has the UK been at peace? There are young people in their twenties who have never know this country not to be fighting in an overseas war. How many wars can a small country wage while telling its people that we can't afford decent social services? While cutting education, closing libraries and decimating the health service? The dogs of war must be fed but not the social fabric of our society. The arms industry has saliva running down its chin at the thought of another war. Who gains in these endless wars? Not the young soldiers who are sent out to do the killing, not the families of the soldiers, and certainly not the ordinary people of this country. And from past experience of Iraq and Afghanistan, it is not the people of the bombarded country.
      The only gains go to the corporate giants of this world, the oil industry, the arms industry and all the back-up companies that go to support any war. War is big business, capitalism doesn't just make money out of making things, there is lots of money to be made from destroying things, profit is all it is about, as far as the people are concerned, the corporate world doesn't give a shit. It is not the Libyan revolution that we should be focusing on, but the need for a revolution here to stop these endless bloody wars where the ordinary people of the world pay in blood and sweat and the corporate parasites inflate their already bloated wealth. 

We have more in common with the people we attack and invade than we have with the corporate parasites that stand to get all the "spoils of war", corporate capitalism and its state mandarins are the "dogs of war".