Sunday 24 April 2022


         We have created a society, a structure that demands we sell ourselves to someone or something in order to gain sustenance to survive. Work becomes the term used for normality, the desired state to find comfort. In order to have a decent life we look for our slave master, we accept our slavery, or we could find ourselves homeless, destitute. In most cases this work enriches others rather than ourselves and our family. The more we look for and accept work as a means of survival the stronger the power of our slave masters. Until we realise this, we hand a heritage of slavery to our children and our grandchildren. Work is dressed up as good and honourable, the right thing to do, when in fact all it does is strengthen the links on our chains, binds us to an unjust, unequal and insane structure that will, in the end, if allowed to continue, destroy us all and our planet.

      Let’s destroy work, let’s destroy the economy!
         Let’s destroy work, let’s destroy the economy! We are not concerned with the political problems of those who see unemployment as a danger to democracy and order. We do not feel any nostalgia for lost professionalism. We don’t want better wages or the continuation of subsidies. Nor are we for the abolition of work, the discovery of alternative ways of life, or the reduction to the minimum in order to live happily. We want the destruction of a system that makes us beg for the minimum necessary so as not to starve to death.
        We want the destruction of work and this society, of what we do during the day and its continuation that extends until night, a perpetual circle that never seems to end. We refuse to remain prisoners in this prison without bars or walls, but whose objective is exactly the same: resignation to what they tell us to accept, to the bosses’ orders and to the police that protect them and protect what we need to destroy.
        We want the destruction of the rule that makes us continue like this, prisoners of a job that takes all: our time, our energy, our creativity. The destruction of work is above all the destruction of survival, a step into the unknown. Destroying work means attacking, attacking that on which work is based and that which it produces. The attack does not affect profit indirectly, as a strike does, but hits the structure directly, either the means of production or the end product. And the object to be destroyed, although it is property, is also work, because it is something that results from work.
We do not want to be destroyed by capitalism, so capitalism will have to be destroyed by us.
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