Thursday 22 June 2023

Class War.

          Inflation is the headline news at the moment with the capitalist propaganda gurus stating that inflation can only be tackled by making the people poorer ie, raising interest rates. The fact that inflation is fed by excessive corporate profits, CEO's grossly excessive salaries and bonuses and of course, excessive shareholders bonuses. Any suggestion of tackling these excesses is greeted with, we need to allow this to make the economy grow, touching that golden goose would hinder investment. So their only answer is to make the people poorer. As far as the wealthy are concerned, asking for wage increases to meet these dire conditions is destructive and will only prolong the inflation problem.
          It angers me to hear Oxford educated Andrew Bailey, the Governor of The Bank of England, with his salary of £575,338 per annum, that works out at £2,212. 84p a day, state "We know this is hard- many people with mortgages or loans will be understandable worried about what this means for them. But if we don't raise rates now, it could be worse later."
          This from a man who couldn't care less if meat tripled in price and milk likewise, it wouldn't dent his standard of living. However, what it means to millions of ordinary people across this country is a drastic cut in their already diminished standard of living. This in turn leads to all manner of health problems, stunted kids because of poor diet, increase homelessness. This is a class war, a direct attack on the ordinary people who are already struggling to make ends meet, and often failing. The well being of the corporate world is more important than the well being of the people.
         This savage attack on the people has the backing of millionaires, the get inflation down so as to increase their profit margins brigade, Rishi Suak, he of the £800 million nest egg, states, that the Bank of England is doing a good job, and Jeremy Hunt with his little £14 million cushion, gives it his blessing with, "If we don't act now, it will be worse later." none of them give a shit if food prices double
        Why do we continually accept this crap false scenario, painting the illusion that the only solution to our dropping living standards is to make the ordinary people poorer? Where is the righteous anger, where is the demand for justice and fairness and an end to this insane economic parasite breeding system of greed and profit for the few. 
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