Another reminder of the Red and Black Clydeside Bookfair coming up as part of Glasgow May Day celebrations. May Day is important to the ordinary people, as it it is a time to celebrate our struggles, our successes and honour our class warriors, but also a day to come together with old and new friends, to strengthen those bonds of solidarity among the ordinary people of our cities towns and villages. Why not get a stall, come and give a talk, join in the discussions, what ever, but do come along and just browse and mingle, meet new friends, and old acquaintances.
With all the present brutal attacks on our living standards, there has never been a more important time for all the ordinary people to come together and defend our living standards against this unnecessary vicious avalanche of austerity and hardship that is being heaped on us, all in the name of the economy and profit.

Glasgow has one of the richest histories of anarchist organising in these islands. Our founding mothers include Ethel MacDonald, Jenny Patrick, Margaret Duff, and Mollie Baird. Our history includes names such as Guy Aldred, John Taylor Caldwell and Stuart Christie, organisations such as the Anti-Parliamentary Communist Federation, and publishing houses such as the Strickland Press.
Anarchist pamphlets, leaflets, newspapers, books, speakers, organisers, agitators, and groups have informed and excited radical and working class life in Glasgow since the 19th Century.
That tradition continues today, and Red and Black Clydeside is just its latest expression.
The event is a showcase for the libertarian left and beyond in Glasgow today. As well as talks, discussions, and stalls, we are providing a long overdue chance, curtailed by the pandemic, to mingle in person.
Red and Black Clydeside is part of working class Glasgow’s May Day celebrations, and follows from the previous weekend’s May Day on the Green. It is organised by groups including Glasgow ACG, the Glasgow Keelie and other individuals.
The event will take place in the CCA on Sauchiehall Street on 7th May 2022, but we hope its effects will be much longer lasting.
Saturday 7th May 2022
3pm – 9pm
The Clubroom
Centre for Contemporary Arts
350 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow G2 3JD