Well we all have heard it, the Government's Autumn Statement, and what becomes very clear is that your tax payments are being handed out to big businesses, in the Tories words to boost growth. Throwing your money at their cronies in the big corporate world will certainly boost growth, but mainly in profit growth for shareholders and CEO. What have they promised the ordinary person, well if you are out of work because of illness, then you can look forward to having your benefits stopped if you are deemed not to looking hard enough for work. No doubt you will notice the different tone when they speak about the ordinary people and their cronies in big business.

Another hand out to the mega rich big business came in earlier when Rushi Sunak was Chancellor, that was the tax cut to big banks, cutting bank profit surcharge from a meagre 8% down to miserly 3%. Once again handouts to their rich and powerful cronies. According to a TUC report this little slight of hand is costing you and I in lost tax revenue approximately £29 million a week. Think what that £29 million a week could have done had it gone in to NHS and other social services. Instead it has gone to purchasing more private jets, larger super yachts big cars and extra homes abroad for the already over rich parasite class.
When will we ever learn that this capitalist system is stacked against the ordinary people. A system that is built on exploitation and amassing unbelievable fortunes from that exploitation can never be fair and just. If you want that better world for all, a fair and just society that sees to the needs of all our people, then we have to destroy the structure that manages this state/corporate marriage that is hell bent on plundering for profit.

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