Wednesday 15 November 2023

Gone Rogue.



                                      Image courtesy of Workers Revolutionary Party

           The powerful and the privileged always build organisations to protect them and their wealth and privileges. Over time they keep making them stronger and more powerful and eventually they are out of control and become just another rogue power in society. That's policing today in our so called democracies.

                                             Image courtesy of Belfast Telegraph.

The following is from Act for Freedom Now. 

Greece: Testimony of the brother of a dead teenager

        “We were with my brother, his girlfriend and her sister. He didn’t have a driving licence yet and now that he was nearly 18 he was about to get one. We had taken the car for a drive. We were going from Aliarto to Leontari Thebes. My brother signaled to him to stop but because there were bends in the road there, he didn’t want to as he was afraid someone might come in the opposite direction and there would be a crash. My brother was scared because we had the girls in the car. A little further on, at about 800 metres, he put on the hazard lights and stopped the car.”
         The brother of the dead 17-year-old and an eyewitness stated that “the policeman got out of the cop car fuming with nerves, approached, hit the car window on my brother’s side with his gun, with force. My brother opened the door, he didn’t have time to get out before the policeman starting kicking him in the ribs, in the legs, on his shins, grabbed him by the T shirt and shot him. The asphalt was covered in my brother’s blood. For nothing. There are witnesses. No pursuit, nothing. At that moment there was nothing I or the girls could do”.

Some up dates: 12/11/ 23 In Thessaloniki, a march of about 300 people. Strong tension.

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God's Gift.

           Does anybody still believe that Israel's plan for Gaza is simply to destroy Hamas? Hour by hour it becomes clear that it is still the religious fanatics plan of a Greater Israel, to remove the Palestinians from Gaza by completely flatting the entire Gaza strip to rubble, no homes, no hospitals, no schools, no shops, no roads, creating conditions that make it impossible for any civilised society to exist. Forcing the people of Gaza to flee and become refugees in another land, then the West Bank will be handled similarly. All this bloodshed and slaughter based on the idiotic belief that more than 2,000 years ago their wee man in the sky granted them this land. I wonder what their god thinks of them as the wilfully slaughter thousands of innocent men women and children to realise his gift.
         To grasp the extent of the ruthless, relentless bombing that is being unleashed on the people of Gaza, I repeat this extract from an article by Alistair Crooke.
The large ‘elephant’ is this: Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tons of high explosives since 7 October (the 1945 Hiroshima nuke was 15,000 tons equivalent). What exactly is Netanyahu and his war cabinet’s aim here? Ostensibly, the earlier military operation in Jabalia Camp was about targeting a Hamas leader suspected of lurking under the camp – but six 2,000 lb bombs for one Hamas ‘target’ in a crowded refugee camp? And why too the attacks on water cisterns, hospital solar energy panels and hospital entrances, roads, schools and bakeries?
       Bread has almost disappeared in Gaza. The UN says all bakeries in northern Gaza have closed following the bombing of the last bakeries. Clean water is desperately short, and thousands of bodies are slowly decomposing under rubble. Disease and epidemic are appearing, whilst humanitarian supplies are being tightly restricted as a bargaining tool toward further hostage releases..

Editor of Haaretz, Aluf Benn, puts the Israeli strategy very plainly:

        “The expulsion of the Palestinian residents, transformation of their homes into piles of construction rubble, and the restriction of the entry of supplies and fuel into Gaza are the “tiebreaking move” employed by Israel in the current conflict, unlike all previous rounds of fighting in the Strip”.
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Tuesday 14 November 2023



           There can't be a sane human on this earth that doesn't see what is happening in Gaza and scream, genocide, ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, on a savage, brutal, inhumane scale not seen for many a year. Anyone who doesn't shout out loud and clear, "The slaughter must stop" and stop immediately must be blind or a religious Zionist fanatic. Our streets across the world must heave with the weight and numbers of ordinary people, all with the same cry, "Freedom for Palestine" and "Ceasefire now".

The following film is from SubMedia.


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        They keep saying we live in a democracy, a country where we elect those we wish to hold the offices of government. However, if it suits the powers that be, they will introduce someone who hasn't been elected, just to suit their political ambitions. One David Cameron, of Eton Bullingdon Club, he who introduced the Brexit referendum and lost then resigned. while in office he introduced us to austerity and the disastrous illegal war in Libya. In his retirement from parliament, he decided to persistently lobby all his old chums in government to give our tax money to one of his cronies to boost his business. You would say that makes him unfit for government office. Of course politics is an underhand shady business, so unelected David Cameron pops up as Foreign Secretary. A slight of hand, just give him a seat in the House of Lords and hey presto, he can hold a ministerial post unelected. Ah, the wonders of capitalist democracy in this land of imperialist pomp and ceremony. 

Monday 13 November 2023




         On Saturday November 11th, I joined the Glasgow "hate march" as described by Suela Braverman, more popularly know as pro-Palestine marches. How shocked do you think I was at seeing such hateful placards saying such things as "freedom for Palestine", "stop the genocide", "ceasefire now", "where is humanity", "end the bloodshed", and more such "hate" displays. No wonder Suela Braverman is angry, these displays are enough to infuriate any true fascist.
        When will we rid ourselves of these hate filled politicians that believe Israel has the right to perpetrate genocide. collective punishment and ethnic cleansing. The Israeli right wing government of religious fanatics keep shouting that the Palestinians want to remove Israel from the map. When in actual fact it has been the aim of the Israeli religious fanatics, since the creation of Israel in Palestine, to remove the Palestinians from the map. To date they have accomplished most of that fanatical dream, as the borders of Palestine continue to shrink and Israeli borders grow. These religious fanatics have managed to displace millions of Palestinians to other countries, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. They have turned Gaza into an brutal open air prison and are now trying by shear brute force, to force the population to move to Egypt. They have never deviated from their fanatical dream of a Greater Israel at the expense of the people of Palestine.
        We must keep up these so called "hate Marches" and with ever effort try to make them grow to become an unstoppable force for peace and justice for the people of Palestine and across the world.     

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Friday 10 November 2023

Free Talk.



          The first of the Spirit of Revolt and the May Day group Thursday evening of talks/discussions was last night Thursday 9th November. The feed back is that it was a very informative and interesting evening and the discussion afterwards raised important points with lots of information being shared. If you missed this one there are more such evenings arranged, There will one a month through to the Spring of next year, leading up to a series of May Day events, including a revived May Day Picnic on the Green. 

         The next Thursday evening talk/discussion will be December 7th. again in the Electron Club at the CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street The subject will "Strikes" and Elspeth King will be discussing The Calton Weathers Strike 1787 and introducing her book on the subject. This is a must as the strike was a very important event in organised labour in our country.

         All these vents are hoping to build to a really massive May Day presence in our city. Prior to the pandemic our May Day Picnic on the Green was growing in success. However the pandemic put paid to that event, let's revive it and enjoy our May Day.

Image from one of our May Day Picnics on the Green, pre-pandemic. See you there next May.

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Tuesday 7 November 2023

Keelie 44.


       A wee bit late with this, but never the less still important. The Glasgow Keelie No.44 is now out and available for free on the streets, pickets, demos, and various spot in the city. As usual Glasgow Keelie 44 is pact full with info of what is going on in our city, it is the critical voice of the people of Glasgow at the injustices, inequalities and government, councils and companies shenanigans that blight all of our lives. Find out how to get involved. Make sure you get your free copy, and if you think you could distribute a few among your friends, family and workmates, get in touch at or read on line at Spread the word.

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Free Events.


          If you are in and around Glasgow on the dates on the poster below, it would be well worth paying a visit to the Electron Club CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow. There will be a very interesting series of events, See the poster below. talks/discussion/information/ and all the events are free. Glasgow's Spirit of Revolt will be there, Hope to see you there.

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Monday 6 November 2023



         Surely the only subject matter that should be grabbing our attention today, is the genocide of the Palestinian people by the colonialist Zionist apartheid state of Israel. Over the centuries the human race has witness many brutal and savage events, but for the 21 century, what is happening to the Palestinian people must shock every fibre of humanity. A genocidal act of inhuman savagery, driven by a fanatical religious group hell bent on claiming Palestine as a Zionist state, cleared of Arabs. Since the creation of the phoney Zionist state of Israel, the Palestinian people have been displaced in their millions to refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and elsewhere. The last remaining Palestinians in their own country are in refugee camps in the largest open air prison in the world, the occupied territory of Gaza and the West Bank, and the are at this very moment being crushed by one of the most powerful military states in the world. All humanity must stand up and demand an end to this savage genocide and justice and freedom for the Palestinian people. 

From SubMedia.

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Saturday 28 October 2023


     The Israeli government is packed with racist Zionist fundamental nutcases. It was the only way Benjamin Netanyahu could prop up and hold onto his power and save himself from corruption charges. Here are some comments from individuals in or associated with the Israeli government. We are supposed to take these people as rational and responsible individuals.  

      Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Bezalel Smotrich says there ‘isn’t a Palestinian people’.
     Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvirclaim claims his rights outweigh that of Palestinians
     Israel’s former ambassador to UN calls Palestinians 'inhuman animals'
     Dan Gillerman says he is 'very puzzled by the constant concern' for the Palestinian people



         From that racist arrogance spews hatred and ensuing misery and deprivation for millions of innocent Palestinian individuals. 


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