Showing posts with label Crete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crete. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Rosa Nera.

       The Greek "New Democracy" government is continuing it ruthless policy of trying to eliminate all Squats, autonomous centres and voluntary migrant support groups. Far from this being a police operation these evictions look more like a military operation. Greece is not alone in trying to eliminate these self organising centres, it is the aim of all states to have everybody to follow the rules of the state, to survive. It and it alone needs to have the monopoly on how our lives are shaped. Leaving people to plan and shape their own lives would be the demise of the state. It will muster whatever savagery, terror, and intimidation, with the necessary brutality to ensure its own survival. The state exists by subservience and blind obedience.
The following from Anarchist News:

Not the best quality of video but you grasp the numbers protesting.

      They evacuated a squat but didn't expect 2000 people protesting on the same day...
       Following the police raid and evacuation of Terra Incognita 16 years old squat in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 17 August 2020, the police invasion at Libertatia Squat in Thessaloniki on 23 August 2020 and the arrest of 12 people rebuilding the roof that had been burnt by fascists during an attack, another squat was raided on Saturday 5 September 2020, this time in Chania, Crete where Rosa Nera Squat stood ground since 2004.
     Few hours later, following the police raid, hundreds of people marched in solidarity through the small greek island town in the afternoon and held a public assembly in the evening to decide the next steps of resistance.But that was not the end. The public assembly decided for another protest through the center of Chania on the same night, where beyond the greek government and police expectations more than 2.000 people took part in the small town of approximately 55.000 residents, marching in solidarity to the “Rosa Nera” Squat.
     The mass participation in the protests and assemblies is a clear sign of the Squat's openness and interconnection with society and the people's reaction to the plans of turning this historic building into a hotel owned by an Israeli company.
     During the last years, all the greek governments have carried out several campaigns of elimination of the self-managed spaces. What they want to achieve is that people find themselves only in the cafes, in the bars, and in the shopping centers as just consumers and customers. Consequently, the offensive that Rosa Nera is facing in Chania is not fortuitous. The Rosa Nera building belongs to the Polytechnic School of Chania, and for 16 years has been a place of struggle and emblematic culture, also covering accommodation needs. In its facilities, the tireless people who have worked hard to give life to the building have created a theater, a library and reading room, a space for presentations (of artistic creations), a children’s park, a construction workshop, a free bazaar of gifts and a communal kitchen for the production of bread.
     In these 16 years hundreds of events, concerts, presentations, debates, workshops, parties, cafes to support collectives and actions have been organized. All have had an anti-commercial character contrary to the government’s and the University of Crete plans to convert the squatted building into a hotel, so that only those with pockets full of money may enjoy the beautiful view from the Kasteli hill, where the Squat is located. To turn something which is free and accessible to everyone in the town, to a restricted area for the few willing to pay to enjoy it. The Rosa Nera Squat kept and ensured the free for all character of the place intact. And that is why you see so many people in the streets protesting the eviction.
This video from Squatting Will Stay.

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Thursday 9 March 2017

With Sticks And Stones---.

       While the Greek political ballerinas in secret, discuss the continual screwing of the people of Greece and the plundering of their assets, with the financial Mafia, in the shape of the Troika, (EC, Expert Criminals, ECB, Europe Criminal Bastards, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) the people of Greece continue to fight back. On Wednesday morning, 8th March, the ferries brought 1,000-1,300 farmers and stock breeders from the island of Crete to Athens. Here they formed up in front of the Ministry of Agriculture Offices, demanding a meeting with the Minster, who refused to accommodate their request. As usual the police and riot police moved in heavy handed, only to be met with an army of farmers retaliating with their long shepherds staffs. 

       What the people of Greece are facing is tax rates of 26% and pension cuts of 22%, unemployment of 24%, youth unemployment of 50%, a collapsed health service, and crumbling education system, a massive increase in homelessness, mental and physical health problems and suicides. Still the financial Mafia want more of the same for the innocent people of Greece. This is capitalism attempting to sort its problems by bleeding the ordinary people. Capitalism can't be fixed, it is a system of exploitation, the people's struggle can fix things, by completely removing capitalism from our lives. 
        What is happening to the people of Greece is happening to all of us, it is all a matter of degree, the direction is the same, the ordinary people are being fleeced to enhance the wealth and power of those who control the system. We can sit and wait until we reach the same position as the people of Greece, and then sink further with them, or we can start now and demolish this unfair, unjust, exploitative greed drive system of inequality. We can shape the world to our desires, rather than follow the dictate of a small army of parasites. 

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Thursday 8 November 2012


      Why is the Greek government pushing for more austerity measures when the people of Greece have already seen their living standard devastated and poverty, and deprivation swamps the country? Will the bailout that it gets after inflicting even more misery and hardship on the people of Greece, go to the Greek people to help them? The answer is of course a resounding NO. The money will go back to the financial Mafia, to the bond markets and to the banksters. So to my simple logic, the only reason for the bailout is that if the Greek government doesn't get a bailout, the banksters will suffer as well as the people, with the bailout only the people suffer. It seems however that the people of Crete have decided to strangle the beast that devours their living standards.

Heraklion, Crete: as the Parliament in Athens votes in further austerity cuts, a city shows the way forward for the struggle

At the same time that in Athens the new measures were voted in parliament and the protest outside was hit by repression and rain, some remarkable events in Heraklion, Crete show how the struggle against the memorandums can be intensified. At tonight’s demo in the city, more than 10,000 people took part – including an anarchist block of approximately 800.
The even more astonishing events took place after the demo though, where a mass Popular Assembly decided the following:
  • To block off the city’s economic activity (not on a symbolic level) by blocking off tax offices and the bank of greece at 7 AM on Thursday.
  • Meanwhile, the Labor Union of Heraklion called for another 24h strike tomorrow, to facilitate workers’ participation in the blockade. The strike was called following the pressure of anarchists and leftists present at the Popular Assembly.
  • The occupation of the administrative building of the Periphery of Crete (the administrative HQ for the entire island) continues.
  • Finally, the Assembly will produce a call-out for workers and unemployed across the country to take similar action.

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