Showing posts with label Glasgow mass protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glasgow mass protest. Show all posts

Friday 5 November 2021

Angry Youth.

         What a heart warming sight it was in Glasgow today, to see thousands of young people take to the streets to voice their anger and disgust at the powers that be for the way they are plunging the planet into extinction.They are alive to the lies and the illusions that are being spun around their phoney, going green. The kids are wise to you lot and they are angry and prepared to take to the streets to vent their righteous anger and change the direction in which the present system is dragging them. They are the ones who will pick up the price tag for this plundering and pillage of the Earths resources for the personal gain of the few pampered privileged parasites. George Square was a microcosm of the planet's people, there were young people from all over the world, letting the powers that be, that they have had enough. Join them tomorrow, November 6th. no matter where you are, tomorrow is world day of action by the young and the old, and those who wish the kids and grand kids to have a planet they can live on with safety, comfort and a future.

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