February 12th. a day of protest against the oncoming tidal wave of price rises and tax increases. Protests took place across the country, Glasgow was no exception George Square the venue. Despite the lousy Glasgow weather a fair crowd assembled bringing their anger on to the streets. Due to a little problem I was unable to attend but took up a vantage point in a cafe across the road. Well at various protests I have heard the phrase "Shame on You", and thought it rather ineffectual. Sadly as I look around at the various flags and banners, I could see at least four large Scottish Socialist Party flags, at least two large CP flags, trade union banners, and then I thought, "Shame on you", no where was there a black flag, or red and black flag. Here were these other groupings shouting loud and handing out their literature, to receptive hands but I detected no anarchist display. These were ordinary citizens of Glasgow and were on the street to show their anger at the enforced poverty they are facing, looking for answers. They would be receptive to our ideas if we had been there shouting as loud as the others. After all we have much more to say than those who were there doing the shouting with their display. A missed opportunity, we should be on the streets where ordinary people gather to voice their anger. One of our comrades did manage to hand out approximately 400 Glasgow Keelies, all well received and eagerly taken. We could have done so much more.
Some photos from the protest.
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