To those extremely rich individuals sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, during this "exploitation crisis" who waffle on about growing the economy being the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They totally ignore the fact the the crisis is now, millions are facing deprivation on a Dickensian scale, They may throw a few peanuts your way, a propaganda stunt to make you believe they are trying to improve your situation. However, it is that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that they are focused on, and it will not be shared with you.
It is encouraging to see more and more people take to the streets to vent their anger at this blatant exploitation. The public are now more determined than ever that they will not take this being shafted by the rich and powerful any more. The anger is there and it will not dissipate by the usual paracetamol of meager handouts to try to appease that righteous anger. We, demand a dramatic change in how our society is run, we will have a fair society or that anger will spill over and explode across the whole of society.
Across the country there are demonstrations, protests and rallies, Glasgow is no exception. This Friday, August 12th. saw a protest held outside the head office of Scottish Power, in St Vincent St. from various groups and individuals, all with one thought, we will not take this plundering of our assets to enrich a handful of very rich and powerful individuals and corporations. I loved their very large banner, Power to the People, very appropriate outside Scottish Power. There is a storm brewing.
Here are some photos from Friday's protest,
courtesy of Bob Hamilton.

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