So the fire breathing dragon Len McCluskey, turned out to be a pantomime version. This is the man who bellowed fire about united strike action, general strike, a determined fight against the attack on wages and conditions, and when the first real battle looms, we find that his flame is really a hand held sparkler. So the workers of Grangmouth are handed on a plate to the greed driven, ruthless corporate entity Ineos. We all know there were alternatives, but the careerist McCluskey, didn't want to rock the boat too much, he is part of that club that puts "the economy" first and believes the workers must be lead and controlled.

claims that a capitalist Scotland would be in some way better for
Scottish workers have been exploded. Ineos, like all Scotland's key
industries from oil to whisky, is not "Scottish". They are run by
freebooting global capitalist transnationals with no care for local
conditions, except where they impact on profits.
The adjacent oil refinery, whose waste product is processed at
the threatened plant, is owned by Petroineos, a refining and trading
joint venture between Ineos and the Chinese government-owned
PetroChina. Its other refinery is at Lavera, near Marseilles.
As the recession continues and fracking throws more cheap US coal
and gas on to the world market, who knows what will happen to the
offshore oil refining business. There is no such thing as security for
workers, whatever the status of their country's governance.
- See more at:
SNP claims that a capitalist Scotland would be in some way better
for Scottish workers have been exploded. Ineos, like all Scotland's
key industries from oil to whisky, is not "Scottish". They
are run by freebooting global capitalist transnationals with no care
for local conditions, except where they impact on profits.
The adjacent oil refinery, whose waste product is processed at the
threatened plant, is owned by Petroineos, a refining and trading
joint venture between Ineos and the Chinese government-owned
PetroChina. Its other refinery is at Lavera, near Marseilles.
As the recession continues and fracking throws more cheap US coal
and gas on to the world market, who knows what will happen to the
offshore oil refining business. There is no such thing as security
for workers, whatever the status of their country's governance.
Read the full article here:
Visit ann arky's home at
claims that a capitalist Scotland would be in some way better for
Scottish workers have been exploded. Ineos, like all Scotland's key
industries from oil to whisky, is not "Scottish". They are run by
freebooting global capitalist transnationals with no care for local
conditions, except where they impact on profits.
The adjacent oil refinery, whose waste product is processed at
the threatened plant, is owned by Petroineos, a refining and trading
joint venture between Ineos and the Chinese government-owned
PetroChina. Its other refinery is at Lavera, near Marseilles.
As the recession continues and fracking throws more cheap US coal
and gas on to the world market, who knows what will happen to the
offshore oil refining business. There is no such thing as security for
workers, whatever the status of their country's governance.
- See more at: