I have
always said that it is time that the police recognised whose side are
they on. They are part of the 20%, the managers and flunkies that do the dirty work for the 1%
that are clobbering the 79%. They are not and never will be, part of
the 1% that they put themselves on the line to protect. Like the rest
of the 20%, they really belong with the 79%, the protesters who are
on the streets fighting for fair and decent education, health
services, pensions and social benefits that the police and their
families will depend on. So it is encouraging to see the Greek police
beginning to shift their focus a little and realising that the
protesters on the streets have a legitimate grievance, and also
pointing in the direction of the real criminals.
I particularly like this part of their statement:Greece's largest police union has threatened to issue arrest warrants for officials from the country's European Union and International Monetary Fund lenders for demanding deeply unpopular austerity measures.
Come all you British coppers, whose side are you on, the 1% that is destroying the future your kids will inherit or are you with the protesters that are trying to defend the future for your kids???"Since you are continuing this destructive policy, we warn you that you cannot make us fight against our brothers. We refuse to stand against our parents, our brothers, our children or any citizen who protests and demands a change of policy," said the union, which represents more than two-thirds of Greek policemen."We warn you that as legal representatives of Greek policemen, we will issue arrest warrants for a series of legal violations ... such as blackmail, covertly abolishing or eroding democracy and national sovereignty."
ann arky's home.