Showing posts with label Kissinger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kissinger. Show all posts

Thursday 18 February 2016

Failed Citizens' Arrest Of Kissinger.

       Still on Kissinger, I remember when this protest took place, pity they didn't get him arrested. More power to the women of Code Pink. Thanks Loam for the info. - Activists from the antiwar group CodePink attempted to perform a citizens arrest on former secretary of state Henry Kissinger when he testified on global security challenges at a Senate Armed Services Committee meeting on Thursday. Kissinger served as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor during the Vietnam War under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain lashed out at the protesters and called on the Capitol Hill Police to remove them.         Video Published on Jan 30, 2015

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Kissinger's Blood Soaked Hands.

         All of us who have watched Henry Kissinger's psycho shuttle through the years 1969-77, have no doubt in our minds that he was in cahoots with some of the most brutal and despicable regimes on the planet. Friend of military juntas, companion of dictators, he helped shape the size of the world's blood lakes. We all accepted that his hand was giving its blessing to the savage repression of the Argentinian people under the military junta of 1976-83, era, known as Argentina's dirty war. A period when in excess of 30,000 people "disappeared" in Argentina, at the hands of the regime and its hit squads. 

      With the complicity of silence among all but a handful within the Argentine population, the military regime undertook widespread kidnappings, torture, and murder — not only of the violent guerrilla left but also of the nonviolent leftist political activists, their sympathizers, and their families. The war against subversion was viewed within the military's National Security Doctrine as the beginning of "World War III," which it defined as a struggle against the efforts of communism for world supremacy. In three years as many as 30,000 Argentines were killed.
       Where was Pope Francis during this brutal period, as usual, the church sits at the side of the power mongers, handing out blessings.

      Now it seems, papers have come to light that prove Kissinger's complicity in this vicious period of repression.
The memo recounts Hill describing the Kissinger-Guzzetti discussion this way:
The Argentines were very worried that Kissinger would lecture to them on human rights. Guzzetti and Kissinger had a very long breakfast but the Secretary did not raise the subject. Finally Guzzetti did. Kissinger asked how long will it take you (the Argentines) to clean up the problem. Guzzetti replied that it would be done by the end of the year. Kissinger approved.
In other words, Ambassador Hill explained, Kissinger gave the Argentines the green light.
Read the full article HERE:
      Just one of the many dirty deals engineered, approved, or ignored, to let the festering brutality continue, as long as it suited American foreign policy. Kissinger quotes can give an insight to his way of thinking, these are just a few from Wikiquotes:
        Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. 
       The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
       It is an act of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination. 
        "Whatever may be done to guard against interruptions of supply and to develop domestic alternatives, the U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States."
 A few of the faces of the 30,000 "disappeared".
       Kissinger is just typical of the type of individual we hand power to, to shape our lives, and it is all done in the interest of that small cabal of power hungry billionaires. Their success is dependent on our acquiescence, our subservience, our humble, silent obedience. Perhaps the ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the selfish and greedy people, but the silent acceptance by the good people. 
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Sunday 7 September 2014

The 9/11 Anniversary.

      In a couple of days it will be the anniversary of 9/11, an event that resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people, an event that should make the international community drag the American state to the International Court of Justice. A horrific event for which America should be held to account. If you are confused by my statement, you are probably thinking of 9/11, 2001 where a handful of crazy nut cases brought down the twin towers in New York, killing almost 3,000 innocent people. I am of course talking about 9/11 1973, a bloody event that was organised, funded and supported to the hilt by the American state. The military coup in Chile by General Pinochet, which resulted in the death of a freely elected president, burning of books, thousands of "disappearances", thousands more executions, and years of brutal repression, all with the blessing of Dr. Henry Kissinger, America's fascist strategist, and the full backing of the American state apparatus. 

 Photo credit: Mickey Z.

“Make the economy scream…”
       When the 1970 Chilean presidential election rolled around, Salvador Allende was still a major player and, despite another wave of U.S.-funded propaganda, he was elected president of South America’s longest functioning democracy on Sept. 4, 1970.

        However, he had a new and powerful enemy: Dr. Henry Kissinger.
The 40 Committee was formed with Kissinger as chair. The goal was not only to save Chile from its irresponsible populace but to yet again stave off the Red Tide™.
      “Chile is a fairly big place, with a lot of natural resources,” explains Noam Chomsky, “but the United States wasn’t going to collapse if Chile became independent. Why were we so concerned about it? According to Kissinger, Chile was a ‘virus’ that would ‘infect’ the region.”
       At a Sept. 15, 1970, meeting called to halt the spread of infection, Kissinger and President Nixon told CIA Director Richard Helms it would be necessary to “make the [Chilean] economy scream.” While allocating at least $10 million to assist in sabotaging Allende’s presidency, outright assassination was also considered a serious and welcome option.
Read the full article HERE:

      So, when our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, start spouting there usual platitudes on 9/11, and our pompous parasitic politicians, wax lyrically on the horrible event in New York, remind them of that even more brutal and blood event, perpetrated by America on the people of Chile some 28 years earlier.  It was a longer lasting and more savage 9/11, than the one in New York.
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