Showing posts with label military junta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military junta. Show all posts

Sunday 10 April 2022

April 6th.


          The streets in the country of Sudan still run with the blood of the people, as they valiantly face down the savagery of the military junta that seized control of their country in October 2021, and still the media shouts only of Ukraine. Another young life lost, a 19 year old youth shot dead by the military during a peaceful protest on the 6th of April. The total of protesters killed during protests by the callous military is now approaching 100, with thousands injured and imprisoned. To sustain such mass protests in the face of such savage brutality stands as testament to the courage and determination of the people of Sudan. They deserve our fullest support and solidarity, their battle is our battle, we are one people like them, facing authoritarian regimes of different shades and guises, but all of them are barriers to freedom.

The following from Enough is Enough:

Our struggling people:

          You were the teacher and the book, and you wrote in golden lines the history of tomorrow’s Sudan, the bright Sudan that is dotted with sacrifices and the blood of Sudanese men and women who fulfilled what they promised to their martyred brothers, because tomorrow will inevitably come with the perseverance and determination of our victorious people.

Our hero people:

         You have demonstrated to the peoples of the world that on April 6th, this coup will inevitably fall, that it is only a matter of time, and that every drop of blood shed, everyone who gave one of their limbs, and everyone who was arrested or had their property stolen from them must know that the time of accountability is inevitably coming.
          Yesterday, our people won another battle against the putschists with their steadfastness, valor, and the sacrifices of their sons and daughters, and they sent in the putschists’ mail (Verily, woe and humiliation are upon you).

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Friday 20 November 2020


      Two dates that are enshrined in the minds of the people of Greece, one is the 1973 student uprising that preceded the overthrow of the Greek Military Junta, and the more recent brutal event on December 6th 2008 when 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos while out in Exarcheia having a coffee with with his friend, was shot by a Greek police officer, he died on the street in the arms of his 15 year friend Nikos Ramanos. Both these dates are marked by mass gatherings in Greece. Just prior to these events, the Greek government introduce a ban on gatherings of more than 3 people. The following report, shows some of the response by the people to this dictatorial measure. 
15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos, 15 year victim of police murder.
Nikos Romanos being arrested some years after the police murder of his friend Alexis.

The following report was lifted from Anarchist-Communism site

[Video] Riot in Athens
        The Orwellian ban on gatherings of more than 3 people leads to riots all over Greece.
       17 November 2020: On the day commemorating the bloodied student revolt against the dictatorship back in 1973, this is how the right-wing government in Greece honored the dead of the fascist regime. By banning all gatherings of more than 3 people, something that has happened in Greece for the first time in its modern history, on the 21 April 1967 when there was a fascist military coup d'état and on 17 November 1973 during a student revolt against the military junta of that same regime.
       The banning of public gatherings of more than 3 people on that particular day, (and on the 6th of December on the day commemorating the revolt that occurred back in 2008 following the murder of a 15 years old by a cop at Exarcheia in Athens), during the 9 months of the pandemic awoke memories of a fascist regime creating an incomprehensible precedent of banning protests. It is obvious to the people that the banning of public gatherings was imposed with one and only aim. To ban protests. While for 9 months since the pandemic other places around the world were preparing for the 2nd more dangerous and lethal wave of the pandemic, by strengthening their public health systems, hiring more doctors and nurses, setting up new hospitals and Intensive Care Units, the neoliberal right-wing government in Greece chose to hire thousands of policemen (true fact) and to provide the Mass Media with free money to promote the government’s propaganda. Hiring cops instead of doctors and nurses during a deadly pandemic! Imagine that!
      Faced with the complete incompetence of the greek government to handle the pandemic and a direct attack on people’s rights, many all over Greece defied the banning of public gatherings and symbolically took to the streets taking all health precautions, to protest, wearing masks and keeping distances (as it can be clearly seen in the video). These people were not anti maskers or anything of that sort. The essence of anarchism and communism is based on the notion that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
      And then the greek government and the police showed their true face. As it can be seen in the video, while all health precautions were being taken by the protesters, scores of policemen ruthlessly launched an attack with batons, flash-bang grenades, asphyxiating gas, water cannons and dozens of police bikers chasing protesters for many kilometres. The idiotic paradox of power. They injured and asphyxiated people to protect their health!
       Similar scenes like in the video above, (shot by @kinimatini on Twitter) took place all over Athens and other greek cities and towns. And yet in an Orwellian new life, as it is now being formulated by those power, people still managed to break the wall of fear being built around their lives, and take back the streets to show that this is going to be a long battle.

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Tuesday 11 October 2016

Anti-fascism In Greece.

      The recent history of the people of Greece has been one of violent struggle. During the second World war, they were occupied by the Nazis, at the end of that war the patriots, that had fought to help drive the Nazis out, found themselves engaged in a war with the British imperial military, who under Churchill's dictate, wanted to eliminate any left-wing resistance to his plan to restore the Greek monarchy, which would be compliant to the will of the British imperialists. However, even the wealthy class in Greece didn't want that bunch back again. Greece was then racked by a civil war as the various factions struggled for control. An authoritarian government gave way to a military take over, ushering the Regime of The Colonels, which despite strong resistance, lasted until 1974. This is a very short, abbreviated, truncated, history of the people of Greece, but it does give you some idea of why there is such strong hatred of the fascists, in that tortured and decimated country.

       On Sunday 2/10 we attacked the building that houses the offices of the Golden Dawn. We threw paint in all spaces of the building and torched the entrance to the offices of the local organization. Our priority was to not threat any human lives so we limited the expansion of the fire. So the “well-wishers” should drop the nonsense about a new Marfin bank incident.
      Our choice to target the residents and owners had clear motives. We want to clarify to them that we consider them jointly responsible for the existence of the fascists’ offices in the city. The historical period we are going through is crucial, and social polarization is inevitable. Thus, we think veryone must be a vital cell in the developments, if we wanna hope for a world without fascists and other such scum. Those who, consciously or not, choose to maintain a neutral stance are complicit to the existence of the fascist leprosy. Those who are responsible for the fact that the war with fascism is so long-term are those who every now and then offered them peace.
      Recently a discussion has opened about the arrival of 2000 refugees and their allocation to the sland of Crete. Simultaneously, all sorts of nationalists-patriots found an opportunity to take to the streets and propagate a sewer of hate and xenophobia. Culminating to the recent incidents in Rethimno, when on Wednesday 28/9 they attacked the antifascist gathering together with the riot cops and in the following days they harassed and beat anyone they did not like. Therefore, this act is a warning message. A small reminder, that our grandparents hung the fascists, they didn’t vote for them, nor did they rent apartments to them. As an active part of the antifascist movement, we are not willing to accept any racist delirium, whether it comes from the murderers of the Golden Dawn, or the scum of Artemis Sorras or anyone else. We will respond accordingly with any means at our disposal. Because you either tolerate fascism or you fight it.

P.S. As for the lads of the G.D., we will meet again and in person…

Next door extremists.


Translated by Act for freedom now!
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Thursday 18 February 2016

Kissinger's Blood Soaked Hands.

         All of us who have watched Henry Kissinger's psycho shuttle through the years 1969-77, have no doubt in our minds that he was in cahoots with some of the most brutal and despicable regimes on the planet. Friend of military juntas, companion of dictators, he helped shape the size of the world's blood lakes. We all accepted that his hand was giving its blessing to the savage repression of the Argentinian people under the military junta of 1976-83, era, known as Argentina's dirty war. A period when in excess of 30,000 people "disappeared" in Argentina, at the hands of the regime and its hit squads. 

      With the complicity of silence among all but a handful within the Argentine population, the military regime undertook widespread kidnappings, torture, and murder — not only of the violent guerrilla left but also of the nonviolent leftist political activists, their sympathizers, and their families. The war against subversion was viewed within the military's National Security Doctrine as the beginning of "World War III," which it defined as a struggle against the efforts of communism for world supremacy. In three years as many as 30,000 Argentines were killed.
       Where was Pope Francis during this brutal period, as usual, the church sits at the side of the power mongers, handing out blessings.

      Now it seems, papers have come to light that prove Kissinger's complicity in this vicious period of repression.
The memo recounts Hill describing the Kissinger-Guzzetti discussion this way:
The Argentines were very worried that Kissinger would lecture to them on human rights. Guzzetti and Kissinger had a very long breakfast but the Secretary did not raise the subject. Finally Guzzetti did. Kissinger asked how long will it take you (the Argentines) to clean up the problem. Guzzetti replied that it would be done by the end of the year. Kissinger approved.
In other words, Ambassador Hill explained, Kissinger gave the Argentines the green light.
Read the full article HERE:
      Just one of the many dirty deals engineered, approved, or ignored, to let the festering brutality continue, as long as it suited American foreign policy. Kissinger quotes can give an insight to his way of thinking, these are just a few from Wikiquotes:
        Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. 
       The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
       It is an act of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination. 
        "Whatever may be done to guard against interruptions of supply and to develop domestic alternatives, the U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States."
 A few of the faces of the 30,000 "disappeared".
       Kissinger is just typical of the type of individual we hand power to, to shape our lives, and it is all done in the interest of that small cabal of power hungry billionaires. Their success is dependent on our acquiescence, our subservience, our humble, silent obedience. Perhaps the ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the selfish and greedy people, but the silent acceptance by the good people. 
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Tuesday 4 March 2014

The State, The Corporate World, And Union Crushing.

     As the military dictatorship in Egypt tightens its grip on the people, so does the Corporate world. Never ones to miss an opportunity to screw the workers, Cargill, the transnational agro-food corporation is attempting to smash the union at its plant, knowing full well that it will have the backing of the military junta.
An Appeal for solidarity from IUF
      Transnational agro-food giant Cargill is seeking to destroy a democratic union of workers at their factory in Egypt.
     Faced with arbitrary punishments and a deteriorating work environment, workers at the Cargill vegetable oil plant in Egypt held a sit-in in December 2013. Cargill sent in thugs with attack dogs to remove them from the factory and, in defiance of the law, has begun issuing dismissal letters. While management prevents them from returning to work, the workers maintain their picket in the factory parking lot. Read more here.
      Send a message now, calling on Cargill to withdraw the dismissals and put an end to anti-worker practices!
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Thursday 14 November 2013

Workers Know Your History - Athens Polytechnic, November 14 1973.


      At the moment Greece is in the hands of a fascist grouping, directed by the financial mafia in the name of the Troika. The recent history of the people of Greece has been a long and brutal struggle against tyranny of one sort or another. It has been one continuous struggle for freedom since the German occupation during the Second World War. November 14 is an important date in that struggle.


     November 1973 saw the start of the massive uprising in Athens against the military junta. It started at the Athens Polytechnic on November 14, and rapidly escalated to a popular anti-junta revolt. It turned into a brutal shedding of Greek blood, when in the early hours of November 17, tanks crashed through the gates of the Polytechnic. The Junta was eventually overthrown. Sadly that struggle for freedom has been way-laid by the corrupt system of “representative democracy” which has led to the present situation where the people of Greece are being raped and plundered by the financial Mafia and offered up on the altar of corporatism. Though the uprising started on November 14, the people of Greece mark the event with large demonstrations on November 17, to honour those brutally killed and injured in the start of Junta reprisals. Demotix has some photos.


     However the struggle continues, not just in Greece, but across the world, people are now aware of the greed and exploitation of this system of capitalism and are rising up against the inequality and in justice. Just as the military Junta was overthrown, so will capitalism, but this time we will get it right.

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Saturday 22 June 2013

The Evaporating Illusion Of Democracy.

      What kind of government shuts down the public broadcasting network without warning or parliamentary discussion? Fascist, Military Junta, Absolute Monarchy, Dictator? Well I imagine it must be somewhere in that grouping. So we come to Greece, and that is what the financial Mafia's puppets in Athens just decided to do. Any sham illusion of democracy has surely evaporated in the warm sun of Greece, as it has evaporated in other countries, Brazil and Turkey to mention two.
     Teacher Dude has an interesting article on the subject:

 Protests against government's closure of public broadcaster, ERT continue in Thessaloniki, Greece. by Teacher Dude's BBQ
Protester against the Greek government's closure of the public broadcasting network.
          "----Instead of a few days of protests by the employees of ERT which could easily be ignored by pro-government private media the government was faced with a media insurrection as journalists and technicians defied threats by the authorities to continue broadcasting, using internet live streaming, unused analogue signals, satellite etc. This, along with the social media storm created meant that thousands turned up outside state run studios in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities to protect   those inside from the riot police units that quickly deployed around such facilities.
      Instead of stifling the voice of those working in ERT these actions encouraged people to find their signal in any way they could and demand via the live streaming channel provided by the EBU grew so rapidly it overwhelmed the site's capacity.----"
Read the full article HERE:

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Thursday 14 March 2013

"We Have A Pope".

      "We have a Pope" and so the stench of the church continues, as one scandal ridden chief shuffles off another steps in to carry on the whole sorry mess of the corrupt Church PLC. Benedict with his shady Hitler Youth past, and the ever present flow of financial and sexual scandals, slips out of the limelight, and now Francis, friend of Argentina's 1976 brutal military junta takes the reigns.
     The church's history is a catalogue of brutality, sexual crimes, financial fiddlings and siding with all manner of brutal autocratic regimes in an attempt to further and protect its wealth and power, and its maniacal desire to control the minds and bodies of the people of world. Those who seek freedom and justice can have no truck with such a vile institution. As long as it exists, freedom is in chains.

 What one did not hear from any senior member of the Argentinian hierarchy was any expression of regret for the church's collaboration and in these crimes. The extent of the church's complicity in the dark deeds was excellently set out by Horacio Verbitsky, one of Argentina's most notable journalists, in his book El Silencio (Silence). He recounts how the Argentinian navy with the connivance of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now the Jesuit archbishop of Buenos Aires, hid from a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission the dictatorship's political prisoners. Bergoglio was hiding them in nothing less than his holiday home in an island called El Silencio in the River Plate. The most shaming thing for the church is that in such circumstances Bergoglio's name was allowed to go forward in the ballot to chose the successor of John Paul II. What scandal would not have ensued if the first pope ever to be elected from the continent of America had been revealed as an accessory to murder and false imprisonment.
Read the full article HERE:

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